People with narcissistic personality disorder display at least five of these symptoms: a sense of self-importance;

Guided Reading Questions —

The Crucible Act 3 Be sure to utilize evidence from the text (pg 86-123)- i.e. quotations and citations — when answering these questions.

1. People with narcissistic personality disorder display at least five of these symptoms: a sense of self-importance; preoccupation with fantasies " of unlimited power, love, success, brilliance, or beauty; belief that he/she is special; requirement of excessive admiration; a strong sense of entitlement; exploitation of others; lack of empathy; jealousy; obvious demonstrations of arrogance. Using the text, can you, as an amateur psychologist for the day, diagnose Abigail with this unfortunate disease? Use specific examples from either her speech or the stage directions as evidence.

2. Throughout this act, Abigail, Susanna, Mercy, Betty, and even Mary Warren are referred to as “children” or “girls”. Even Arthur Miller perpetuates this by using the term “girls” in the stage directions as these young ladies repeat Mary Warren’s words. What damage do these terms subtly do to the trial’s credibility? Why is Proctor ignored when he says repeatedly, “It is not a child!”™?

3. Trace Hale’s change of heart toward the accusers through this act. Use specific examples and page numbers. (Hint: Identify his original position, then show how he changes.)

4. Is Mary Warren ultimately a sympathetic or unsympathetic character? Explain your answer. -]

5. Proctor’s fatal mistake is in assuming that the court is honorable, that Danforth and Hathorne are truly looking to find and punish the guilty. Look at Proctor’s final two lines in Act 3. First, explain his meaning. Why does he use the imagery of fire to explain what has happened? -]

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Construct three thesis statements addressing the following topics

  1. Construct three thesis statements addressing the following topics:
    • Should ENC 1102 be a required class?
    • Do cats make better pets than dogs?
    • Is reality tv bad or good?

Make sure each thesis statement takes a side and lists three specific points that could be argued in an essay.

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Essay Assignment 2: Documented Argument in APA

Essay Assignment 2: Documented Argument in APA


Your argumentative essay will be on an environmental topic from the list of options below. Consider your audience for this paper to be your peers. The essay should be between 3 ½ and 4 pages (850 to 1,000 words) in length.


Including the cover page, abstract, or reference page.


must meet the following criteria:


• An introduction, a minimum of 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion

• A clearly articulated thesis in the introduction of the paper; the thesis must state the claim, position, or stance that your essay will prove

• 4 cited sources

• At least 4 quotes from your sources

• Topic sentences that focus the discussion in each body paragraph

• Examples, details, statistics, explanations, and other researched evidence in the body paragraphs that clearly support the claim of your thesis

• Counterarguments (at least one but preferably more than one) and refutations that show you understand the complexity of your argument and can accurately acknowledge the views of the opposition and refute them

• Clear connections between ideas from paragraph to paragraph and within paragraphs (transition words and phrases)


Including Reference page

• Reference page listing a minimum of 4 sources

• Standard usage, grammar, and mechanics


Choose any one of the following 16 topics (Note reference resources at the end of the topic list):

1. Research alternative energy sources; then make an argument for the three most desirable ones to introduce in South Florida. Here is a link with a list of renewable energy resources to get you started:

2. Research the status of sea level rise in South Florida today and the ways in which it is being addressed through State processes. Make an argument that the solutions today are or are not sufficient. Here is a link to a web page that will help you get started with your research:

3. Research the effects of the environment on human health. Does the health of the environment affect the health of the human beings within it? Make an argument that supports your answer. Start your research by reading this article:

4. Should access to drinking water be privatized? Start your thinking about this topic by watching this short video: Already, there is discussion of futures commodity trading on water:

5. Where does recycled plastic end up? What solutions to “plastic pollution” are most feasible? Start your thinking on this topic by watching the videos on this page:

6. How is biodiversity important to a thriving planet? What are the dangers of the high rate of species extinction that the planet is facing? What are the proposed solutions to this problem and how effective will they be? Start your research by reading this article: For example, the World Wildlife Federation predicts that elephants will be extinct by 2040, well within the lifetime of many of us:,killed%20for%20its%20ivory%20tusks.&text=World%20Wildlife%20Fund%20(WWF)%20figures,elephants%20in%20Africa%20are%20chilling.

7. Are electric vehicles better for the environment? Start your research by reading this article from Forbes magazine:

8. Is vegetarianism better for the environment? Start your research by reading this article from The Guardian: and this article from the Washington Post:

9. What are the effects of consumerism on the environment? What must be done to address the problem? Start your research by reading this article from Science Daily:

10. Many claim that using public transportation has positive effects on the environment (See: ); however, in South Florida, efforts to develop more efficient public transportation has been less than successful. What factors have caused this failure?

11. What are the environmental effects of our agricultural practices? What are some solutions to these problems? Start your research by looking at this web page from the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota: and this article about the threat to food resources: file:///C:/Users/elena/Downloads/10%20EP%204%202012-11.pdf

12. Overpopulation is among the top environmental problems facing the world today. What is the connection between educating women and supporting family planning and reducing the risks of overpopulation? Should educating women be a priority on the world stage? Start your research by reading this editorial:

13. What are the effects of urban sprawl on the environment? Should the government institute strong regulations to curb urban sprawl? Start your research by reading the information here: How might a post COVID-19 pandemic world affect urban sprawl?

14. What are the environmental effects of deforestation? What should be done to solve the problem of deforestation? Start your research by reading this article from National Geographic:

15. How does our over-reliance on fossil fuels damage the environment? What are the advantages of ending our reliance on fossil fuels? Make a capitalist argument against the fossil fuel industry. Start by reading the following opinion article:

16. Despite the disasters at the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear power plants, some still make the argument that nuclear power is a more feasible alternative to fossil fuels than other alternative energies. Do you agree? Here are the arguments made by the World Nuclear Association:


The following websites might provide some data for your research:

• The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Laws and Regulations:

• The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Data:

• World Bank Data:

• United Nations Environment Program:


• NASA on climate change:

• The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):

• The World Wildlife Federation:

• The Opportunity Atlas:

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Essay  about the stories: James Joyce, “Eveline”  and Ernest Hemingway, “Soldier’s Home compare and contrast.

Essay  about the stories: James Joyce, “Eveline”  and Ernest Hemingway, “Soldier’s Home compare and contrast. Your task for this assignment is to trace an image, symbol, or theme
through two separate short stories. How does each story use their respective
image, symbol, or theme? To what ends? How are the stories’ uses different?
How are they the same?

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Narration Essay based on one choice from the following list:

Narrative Essay. 300 – 500-word

Narration Essay based on one choice from the following list:

1. Choose a theatrical moment in your life to write about.  a personal narrative on a topic on one of the following topics.  • An event that was interesting, humorous, or embarrassing • Something found challenging. • A memory from your childhood that remains vivid. • An important moment that changed  life

2. Consider using prewriting strategies to generate some ideas before planning the essay: See the document on Prewriting Strategies. Prewriting definition.docx 3, Complete the narrative outline to help  build your essay: See the narrative outline worksheet: narrative-essay-outline-sample.pdf

4. Build essay Provide the narrative elements in your paragraph to keep the reader’s interest. • A narrative keeps the reader asking, “What happens.”

• A narrative must be written in some sequence: chronological or reverse chronological order, use time markers, include pertinent details, and have a beginning, middle, and end. A narrative can Include some dialogue and characters to make the story interesting.

• Is there a moral to the story? What did that moment teach you?

• Each paragraph should have a topic sentence followed by supportive details that expand on the main idea and a conclusion.

• Remember that you want to keep the reader’s attention, so stay focused on one idea at a time, explain, elaborate, and give details and examples to support the main idea. You may lose the reader’s attention if your paragraph is too long.

• Use descriptive elements to make the moment more dramatic than it was.

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Present a summary of Priyanka Chopra’s speech 12 rules for becoming the best version of you

Present  a summary of Priyanka Chopra’s speech  12 rules for becoming the best version of you

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As a hiring supervisor in the Crates Independent phasis School District, you have offered a job to a candidate ducation has who graduated from a teaching education program in in requiring another state.

As a hiring supervisor in the Crates Independent phasis School District, you have offered a job to a candidate ducation has who graduated from a teaching education program in in requiring another state. Based on the document shown, what ents. "The NCTE is the most likely reason the candidate would need to of preservice teachers’ revise his portfolio? and professional one means to assess Sensing agencies also % Informal formats are no longer accepted achers seeking board certification by the Crates Independent School District whore L is very Comtion for Performance standards for teacher ablish for portfolio development assessment Can vary from state to state tests and assignments . if conferences allended Portfolios submitted to school districts students, and video require the inclusion of state-specific purse work * held documents Zations What teens the inderlakes regarding state licensing agencies have changed and professional their guidelines for portfolio development

The National Council for leacher Education has redefined its portiolia requirements

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A journal article titled “Networking the Classroom” by Christopher Conte

Step 1: Before attempting this assignment, review the video in the pages section on “referencing,” also, use this link to the from Follow the link for information on formatting. and citation and style guide/list basic rules.html

B Step 2: an page based on a list of sources below.

* • Arrange the references in alphabetical order. • the entries.

• List the entries in hanging style. • See the sample attached: Sample page.pdf v • Sample page.pdf 2.pdf v List of sources

• A journal article titled “Networking the Classroom” by Christopher Conte. The article appears in volume 5 of CQ Researcher, a journal that page continuously throughout each annual volume. Volume 5 is dated 2004. The article runs from page 923 to page 943. A journal article titled “Networking the Classroom” by Christopher Conte. The article appears in volume 5 of CQ Researcher, a journal that page’s issues continuously throughout each annual volume. Volume 5 is dated 2004. The article runs from page 923 to page 943. • A government document you consulted on November 12, 2005, over the Internet. The author is the National Center for Education Statistics, an agenc within the United States Department of Education. The title of the document is Internet Access in U.S. Public Schools and ClassroomsLinks to an external site. E›. • A book called Failure to Connect: How Computers Affect Our Children’s Minds For Better and Worse, written by Jane M. Healy and published in 2000 by Simon & Schuster in New York. • An article in the October 9, 2004, issue of the magazine The Nation titled “The Threat to the NetLinks to an external site. ” The article is by Jeff Chester and appears on pages 6 to 7 of the magazine. You found it through Polk Library at Southeast State University on November 14, 2005, using the database Expanded Academic the service Info Trac • A pamphlet titled Bridging the Digital Divide, with no named author. It was published in 2005 by the ALA in Chicago. • An article titled ” gov: Achieving E-Health for All?”Links to an external site. E.The website is sponsored by the Benton Foundation. The article is by Andy Carvin and is dated February 22, 2005. You found it on November 10, 2005. • An e-mail interview you conducted with Mary McArthur on October 31, 2005.

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What are the attacks, and which can be considered under the category of logical fallacy?

  • Listen to the NPR news pieceLinks to an external site. about Rachel Carson, the author of A Fable for Tomorrow.  You will note that the radio article mentions a few attacks against Carson.
  • What are the attacks, and which can be considered under the category of logical fallacy?
  • After looking at the power point presentation, pick three other types of fallacies and then give an example for each.
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Why do you feel the War of the Worlds radio show caused such strong reactions?

Both the World of the Worlds podcast and Chekhov’s “Misery” explore different aspects of human psychology and how cause and effect affects the human condition.  Consider the following for this discussion post:

  • Why do you feel the War of the Worlds radio show caused such strong reactions?

After reading Chekhov’s deeply moving narrative, please reflect on how he uses cause and effect to illustrate a deeper truth about people.  What do you believe to be his overall message?  Can you relate to it in any way?

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