The nurse is teaching nursing students about entry-level nurse competencies. Which qualities are desired in an entry-level nurse?

The nurse is teaching nursing students about entry-level nurse competencies. Which qualities are desired in an entry-level nurse? Select all that apply.

An understanding of the environment of care

The ability to provide care single-handedly

Respect for the rights, beliefs, and values of patients

Knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of a nurse

The ability to lead managing patient care as needed

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The nurse is completing a teaching plan for the mother of a child who is taking digitalis and a diuretic for treatment of heart failure.

The nurse is completing a teaching plan for the mother of a child who is taking digitalis and a diuretic for treatment of heart failure. Choosing which lunch would indicate that the mother understands the best diet for her child?

a) Grilled chicken breast with potato chips and coke

b) peanut butter and banana sandwich with orange juice

c) turkey sandwich with pickles and diet drink

d) ham sandwich with potato salad and milk

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Divine Comedy Hotel, an American company, sells the rights to other hospitality companies globally to open hotels with the Divine name for a fee and a share of the profit, in return for using Divine’s brand name and a package of materials and services.

Divine Comedy Hotel, an American company, sells the rights to other hospitality companies globally to open hotels with the Divine name for a fee and a share of the profit, in return for using Divine’s brand name and a package of materials and services. Divine is engaged in  Divine is engaged in

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Is what Al did ethical? On what basis are you making that decision.

1.     Suppose you own a travel company that arranges adventure trips for groups. You start a social networking site for promoting your trips. In Web 2.0 style, you want people who have taken your trips to post the pictures and comments on the site. Al, who is 15 years old and wants to be taken as more grown than he is, posts a picture of a handsome 22-year-old male as a picture of himself and claims to play the guitar and be an accomplished chef. He also writes witty comments on the site. Suppose someone decided to go on one of the trips in part because of Al’s postings and was disappointed in the trip and when they learned the truth about Graham.

a.     Is what Al did ethical? On what basis are you making that decision.

b.     Is the company liable for what Al did? Are they ethically obligated to refund that person’s fees?


2.     Is this ethical for the company to encourage employees to write positive reviews about trips on the site?

a.     What if they wrote about trips that they had been on?


3.     Suppose you pay your employees a bonus for every person the employee gets to purchase a trip. Without any encouragement from you and without your knowledge, one of your employees gets ambitious and invites his friends to a party in which he will show pictures from previous trips. On the way to the party, one of the friends gets in a car wreck and dies. His spouse sues your company.

a.     Is your company liable?

b.     Would it matter if you know about the party ahead of time?


4.     On one of your trips out of dozens, despite your best efforts, some bad food was served and everyone became ill because of food poisoning. One of those people goes on your site and posts a scathing review of the trip and your company. Other members of the trip write supporting messages.

a.     Would it be a good idea to delete the posts? Why?

b.     How should you respond to this event?

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Is this illegal? Unethical? Why?

Check out this article about doxing: You terminate one of your employees at the company. To get even, they get publicly available information about you and post it on Facebook. This causes you untold issues with identify theft etc.

a.     Is this illegal? Unethical? Why?

b.     What if they posted some pictures from a company party which are very personally embarrassing to you that they took which had never been posted anywhere before. In fact, you never knew they existed.

c.      What if instead of working for a trip company, you worked for the federal government?

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Vaginal bleeding in a transgendered client is likely caused by what?

Vaginal bleeding in a transgendered client is likely caused by what?

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Review the home medications with the current discharge orders. Are there any discrepancies that the nurse needs to clarify with the primary care provider? (

Review the home medications with the current discharge orders. Are there any discrepancies that the nurse needs to clarify with the primary care provider? (Pharmacologic and Parenteral Therapies) Home Medications: Discharge Medications: List any Discrepancies from Home Meds and how were they reconciled. Please explain why

Home Med

: • Lisinopril 20 mg PO daily • Furosemide 80 mg PO daily • Metoprolol 50 mg PO twice daily • Digoxin: 0.125 mg PO daily • Hydralazine 25 mg PO 4 times a day • Glipizide 10 mg PO twice daily before meals.

Discharge Meds

• Lisinopril 20 mg PO daily • Furosemide 80 mg PO daily. Take additional 80 mg tab if 3 lbs. or more weight gain and call MD • Metoprolol ER 100 mg PO daily • Digoxin: 0.125 mg PO daily • Hydralazine 25 mg PO 4 times a day • Glipizide 10 mg PO twice daily before meals. • Potassium chloride 20 mEq PO daily

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Were there damages that should be paid this patient for negligence?

The patient was in surgery to remove moles from her back and left eyebrow. She was lightly sedated and was receiving oxygen. When the surgeon activated the Bovie instrument to remove the mole near her eyebrow, the spark caused a flash fire that was augmented by the supplemental oxygen that the patient was receiving. The surgical team respond-ed immediately and the fire was quickly extinguished. The patient, however, incurred second degree burns to the left side of her face, leaving permanent scars and reducing vi-sion in her left eye. She filed a lawsuit for negligence and fraudulent concealment against the surgeon, nurse anesthetist, and hospital. The initial trial court found in favor of the plain-tiff, awarding damages for malpractice and an additional $425,000 in damages for fraudulently concealing facts about the incident from the patient. At the appellate level, the defendants argued that there was no concealment of the incident in that they did what was required of them, namely that they informed the patient that there had been a fire, detailed the injuries that were caused by the fire, and recommended appropriate treatment options to her.

1. Were there damages that should be paid this patient for negligence?

2. Who should be the individuals responsible for these damages? For example, is the surgeon the most liable individual for the damages owed the patient?

3. Are there any defenses that the defendants could cite that would mitigate their liability to this patient?

4. How should the court decide the damage awards in this instance?

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M.C., 23-year-old women, has developed a skin rash as well as nausea and vomiting,

M.C., 23-year-old women, has developed a skin rash as well as nausea and vomiting, After taking an anti-microbial drug for a short time period the skin rash is red and quite itchy and is spreading over her entire body. The physician stops the medication because of this allergic reaction. The patient has a history of skin rashes, both eczema and contact dermatitis, since infancy. She has had hay fever during the summer and fall for the past few years.

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Describe the pathophysiology of Hodgkin lymphoma.

Case Study A

Hodgkin disease

J.R., age 32 years old, noticing lump on the side of his neck a few months ago. The lump is relatively large, painless, and not tender to the touch. A few days ago he experienced some difficulty swallowing as if there was something putting pressure on his esophagus. He has also notice unexplained weight loss, fever, night sweats, and general fatigue over the past few weeks. A visit to the physician produced lab results showing a marked decrease in the lymphocyte count as well as the presence of a giant cell in the tissue of a biopsied lymph node, subsequently confirmed as a Reed-Sternberg cell. The lab results confirmed Hodgkin lymphoma.


  1. Describe the pathophysiology of Hodgkin lymphoma.
  2. Outline the conditions of the disease at each of the four stages as defined by the Ann Arbor staging system.
  3. List some of the differences between Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
  4. List the methods currently available to treat this disease.
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