What is the plan of care for a patient with strep throat? 

A 16-year-old presents to the clinic with a sore throat, enlarged cervical lymph nodes, and a fever of 102°F. His rapid strep test is positive.


1. What is the plan of care for a patient with strep throat?

2. What education does an adolescent with strep throat and their parents need?

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Identify two external stakeholders vital to the role and responsibilities of an Advance Nurse Educator and two strategies to facilitate communication with external stakeholders.

Identify two external stakeholders vital to the role and responsibilities of an Advance Nurse Educator and two strategies to facilitate communication with external stakeholders.

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Advanced professional nurses need to self-evaluate their use of interprofessional assessment. share one category that you identify as an area of potential strength and one that is an area of potential

Advanced professional nurses need to self-evaluate their use of interprofessional assessment. share one category that you identify as an area of potential strength and one that is an area of potential

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Describe two ways you can apply strategies to increase resilience and self-care that will influence your professional practice in a healthcare environment.

A.  Describe two ways you can apply strategies to increase resilience and self-care that will influence your professional practice in a healthcare environment.


B.  Create a personal development plan by doing the following:

1. List your personal growth goals and incorporate strategies from part A by doing the following:

   Note: Be sure to have the goals be SMART (i.e., specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound).

a.  Develop three goals related to the personal development plan (e.g., mindfulness, better eating habits, self-care, leadership mindset).

b.  List actionable steps to achieve the goals developed in part B1a.

c.  Discuss how the goals from parts B1a will foster your professional engagement.


C.  Summarize the importance of having a personal development plan and how it will help you develop leadership skills and knowledge throughout your program.


D.  Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


E.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission

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A description of how to apply strategies to increase resilience and self-care that will influence professional practice in a healthcare environment is not provided.


The description includes only 1 way of applying strategies to increase resilience and self-care that will influence professional practice in a healthcare environment, or the description does not include examples.


The description includes 2 ways to apply strategies to increase resilience and self-care that will influence professional practice in a healthcare environment, and the description includes examples.




The submission does not provide any goals.


The submission develops only 1-2 goals, or 1 or more of the goals provided are not related to the learner’s personal development plan.


The submission develops 3 goals that are SMART (i.e., specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound), and each goal is related to the learner’s personal development plan.




The submission does not list actionable steps.


The submission lists actionable steps, but the steps do not address the goals from part B1a, or the submission does not include examples.


The submission lists actionable steps to achieve the goals from part B1a, and each step is supported with examples.




The submission does not discuss the goals from part B1.


The submission discusses the goals from part B1a, but it does not discuss how each goal will foster professional engagement, or it does not include examples.


The submission discusses how the goals from part B1a will foster professional engagement and includes examples.




A summary is not provided.


The summary does not address the importance of having a personal development plan, or how it will help the learner develop leadership skills and knowledge throughout the program. Or the summary does not include examples.


The summary addresses the importance of having a personal development plan, and how it will help the learner develop leadership skills and knowledge throughout the program. The summary includes examples.




The submission does not include in-text citations and references according to APA style for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized but does not demonstrate a consistent application of APA style.


The submission includes in-text citations and references for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and demonstrates a consistent application of APA style.




Content is unstructured, is disjointed, or contains pervasive errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar. Vocabulary or tone is unprofessional or distracts from the topic.


Content is poorly organized, is difficult to follow, or contains errors in mechanics, usage, or grammar that cause confusion. Terminology is misused or ineffective.


Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the



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Leadership Skills and Mindset Reflection

Leadership Skills and Mindset Reflection

Complete the following and add it to the introduction section of the e-portfolio:

B.  Differentiate between a leadership and a management mindset by doing the following:

1a.  Differentiate three leadership skills from three management skills present in yourself.

1b.  Differentiate three leadership skills from three management skills absent in yourself.

1bi.  Describe how you can improve upon the three leadership skills from part B1a, including an example for each.


C.  Explain the importance of a leadership mindset and how it influences your professional practice.

1.  Discuss how having a leadership mindset supports long-term personal growth, including examples.

2.  Discuss how having a leadership mindset supports long-term professional growth, including examples.


D.  Summarize how you would apply the leadership skills from part B1a to influence your professional practice in a healthcare environment, including examples.

1.  Discuss how you would ensure equity and inclusivity as a leader in a healthcare environment, including examples.


E.  Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


F.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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Differentiate between a leadership and a management mindset by doing the following:

Differentiate between a leadership and a management mindset by doing the following:

1a.  Differentiate three leadership skills from three management skills present in yourself.

1b.  Differentiate three leadership skills from three management skills absent in yourself.

1bi.  Describe how you can improve upon the three leadership skills from part B1a, including an example for each.


C.  Explain the importance of a leadership mindset and how it influences your professional practice.

1.  Discuss how having a leadership mindset supports long-term personal growth, including examples.

2.  Discuss how having a leadership mindset supports long-term professional growth, including examples.


D.  Summarize how you would apply the leadership skills from part B1a to influence your professional practice in a healthcare environment, including examples.

1.  Discuss how you would ensure equity and inclusivity as a leader in a healthcare environment, including examples.

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Electronic Portfolio Creation

Electronic Portfolio Creation

A.  Create an e-portfolio shell, labeled with your name, using OneNote:


Note: E-Portfolio Setup. To begin, refer to the “Using OneNote to Create an E-Portfolio” in the Web Links section to setup the framework for your e-portfolio in OneNote and for instructions on how you will submit artifacts to the OneNote e-portfolio. Next, refer to the e-portfolio requirements in the tasks to see how the tabs are to be organized. You should add the artifact from each assigned course to the corresponding section in the portfolio artifact table below as you complete the course. The e-portfolio will be submitted at the completion of the program in D226-BSNU Capstone to be evaluated.


1.  You will need to create 11 sections in your e-portfolio. The sections should be labeled as indicated in the following list:

•   Introduction

•   Safety

•   Quality Assurance

•   Scholarship

•   Innovation

•   Personal, Professional, and Leadership Development

•   Informatics/Technology

•   Leadership/Professional

•   Ethical Competent Practice

•   Professional Communication/Collaboration

•   Compassionate Holistic Care

Note: Place your artifact in the section of the E-Portfolio identified by the course code and competency number.


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How do I structure a three column social/Emotional intelligence table with skill sets for each at Western Governors University?

How do I structure a three column social/Emotional intelligence table with skill sets for each at Western Governors University?

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You are the advanced professional nurse on the unit where you currently work,

You are the advanced professional nurse on the unit where you currently work, how would you create an inter professional team to standardize the care for a patient population that is being cared for differently,  Consider the provider writing the orders, the day of the week the patient is admitted, and the knowledge of the providing care on

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write about a change you have noticed in your work organization

It’s a review from the article.  In the article by Fraher, Spetz and Naylor (2015), it was noted that the evolution of healthcare is a contributing factor to new nursing roles.  After your review of the article, write about a change you have noticed in your work organization.  Describe the nurse’s role or actions taken to address this change that you have noted in healthcare

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