For the MDS 3.0 short-stay QM “Percentage of Residents Who Made Improvements in Function

For the MDS 3.0 short-stay QM “Percentage of Residents Who Made Improvements in Function,” how do covariates affect the QM score for a facility that has a typical proportion of residents with the covariate conditions?

They exclude the resident from the calculation; as a result, they have no effect on the QM score.


They increase the QM score to account for the higher level of care required for those types of conditions.


They have no effect on the final score.


They level the playing field for a facility that has more residents with the covariate conditions than other facilities have.

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Which best describes what surveyors must do to make a determination about compliance with QAPI regulations?

Which best describes what surveyors must do to make a determination about compliance with QAPI regulations?

A Conduct an interview with the person designated as the QAA/QAPI contact in the facility


B Have a discussion with the administrator about all of the QAA/QAPI activities in the past year


C Complete all investigations and review the QAPI plan and compliance near the end of the survey process


D Conduct a meeting with QAA committee members


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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 requires all except which of the following?

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 requires all except which of the following?


A The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to establish regulations for quality assurance and performance improvement (QAPI) in nursing homes


B The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to establish regulations for quality assurance and performance improvement (QAPI) in nursing homes


C Establishment of a new facility-wide quality department at each nursing home


D QAPI program implementation by each nursing home

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Which of the following is a distinguishing feature of the PDSA concept of improvement activities?

Which of the following is a distinguishing feature of the PDSA concept of improvement activities?


A Once you work through the cycle, you know you’ve completed the project satisfactorily.


B When you determine through other means that a problem exists, it is not necessary to go into the PDSA cycle.


C The administrator and DNS are the leaders of the cycle.


D Small-scale changes are tested to determine whether additional work is needed to achieve the desired improvement.



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The Department of Veteran Affairs National Center for Patient Safety established a Hierarchy of Actions. Which of the following best describes weak actions?

The Department of Veteran Affairs National Center for Patient Safety established a Hierarchy of Actions. Which of the following best describes weak actions?


A During rounds, department managers praise staff who they see washing hands and que others to wash their hands.


B Hand sanitizer dispensers are made available at each entrance with a sign encouraging visitors to wash their hands.


C During flu season, all staff and any residents and visitors that want them are given buttons to wear on their shirts with fun reminders and pictures to wash their hands.


D The DNS provides an in-service demonstrating how to wash hands.

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Nolan and Provost’s Model for Improvement includes three questions. Which of the following is not one of the three questions?

Nolan and Provost’s Model for Improvement includes three questions. Which of the following is not one of the three questions?


A What resources do we have?


B What are we trying to accomplish?


C How will we know that a change is an improvement?


D What changes can we make that can lead to an improvement?



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The PDSA cycle is divided into four steps. Which statement best describes PDSA?

The PDSA cycle is divided into four steps. Which statement best describes PDSA?


A PDSA is a research method used only with the approval of the medical director.


B The DNS is the only person qualified to use the PDSA cycle when improving clinical systems of care delivery.


C Plan: determine what is to be done; Do: carry out the plan; Study: learn from what happened; and Act: decide if you will abandon, adopt, or act.


D Plan: decide if you will conduct a PIP; Do: conduct the PIP; Study: learn from the PIP; Act: monitor PIP outcomes.

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QMs are associated with all of except which of the following?

QMs are associated with all of except which of the following?


A The Skilled Nursing Facility Value-Based Purchasing Program


B The Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Reporting Program


C The Five-Star Quality Rating System

Ds The Skilled Nursing Facility HIPAA

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The DNS understands that leading continuous improvement is necessary

The DNS understands that leading continuous improvement is necessary as it relates to the Five-Star Quality Rating System because of which of the following?


A The cut points for QMs remain constant in the Five-Star program, but the regulations require QMs to improve by 50% annually.


B In April 2020 and thereafter, CMS will adjust the thresholds for QMs every six months by 50% of the average rate of improvement.


C CMS will award an additional 2 stars to facilities that improve their QMs above the 75th percentile.


D The DNS does not have responsibility in regards to the Five-Star rating. Rather, this is the responsibility of the nurse assessment coordinator to monitor and report to the nursing home administrator.


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The consumer alert icon on the Nursing Home Compare website

The consumer alert icon on the Nursing Home Compare website, also included in the Five-Star rating system, is added to facilities when which of the following deficiencies are cited?


A All substandard quality of care citations


B Abuse and neglect cited at F600, F602, and F603 for actual or potential harm


C Abuse citations received due to actual physical harm but not potential for harm


D Only abuse citations received during the annual survey

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