The nurse is working in the pediatric cardiac unit and is reviewing the telemetry monitors for assigned clients.

The nurse is working in the pediatric cardiac unit and is reviewing the telemetry monitors for assigned clients. The nurse should initially plan to assess the client who is. 1) 5-year old child and is playing with other kids in the playroom and has a pulse o 110 2)2-year- old toddler and is sleeping and has a pulse of 125.  3)  3-month-old infant and has a fever and has a pulse of 125. 4) 14 year old adolescents and is resting in bed watching tv and has a pulse of 110.

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PNS202 Dropbox Assignment Week 10 – Nursing  Care Plan Example

 PNS202 Dropbox Assignment Week 10 – Nursing  Care Plan Example

Learner’s Name:  J. Otto, RN   Date Due:  12/10/23

Patient’s Initials:  L. K.    Room #:  3319   Age: 52 Medical DiagnosisAsthma

                                                  NANDA Nursing Diagnosis

Assessment Data:

O –

O – T 99.1 F orally, P – 98, RR – 20, BP 142/82 mmHg, SpO2 94% on R/A

O – Integument:

S – Pain R

Nursing Diagnosis:


(NOTE to student:  NO AEB S & O data in ND statement b/c is a “Risk for” problem)

(NOTE to student:  You are to do only Actual problems in your NCP, not “Risk for” problems)

                                                            Patient Goal

(“Patient will”, “as evidenced by”)

Short-Term Goal/Desired Outcomes:

end of the teaching session this shift.

Long-Term Goal/Desired Outcomes:



                                              Nursing Interventions and Rationales

1.  Assess







                                Evaluation of Short-Term Goal/Desired Outcomes

Short-Term Goal:






Ackley, B. & Ladwig, G. (2020).   Nursing diagnosis handbook.  An evidence-based guide to          planning care    (12 Ed.). St. Louis:  Elsevier.

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Chronic pain in a lupus patient due to inflammation of joints AEB swollen joints and pt c/p pain level 8/10. What are SMART LTG and STG for this pt?

Chronic pain in a lupus patient due to inflammation of joints AEB swollen joints and pt c/p pain level 8/10. What are SMART LTG and STG for this pt?

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What critical findings (assessment and labs) indicate respiratory insufficiency and poor cerebral perfusion in severe TBI patients?

What critical findings (assessment and labs) indicate respiratory insufficiency and poor cerebral perfusion in severe TBI patients?



What is the immediate intervention for a spinal cord injury (SCI) patient that has decreased LOC?

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Nursing interventions for a lupus patient with chronic pain and fatigue?

Nursing interventions for a lupus patient with chronic pain and fatigue?

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The nurse is caring for a client who has the following history and assessment findings:

The nurse is caring for a client who has the following history and assessment findings: – T5 spinal cord injury SCI 6 months ago – Flushed face – Profuse sweating – Reports blurred vision – BP 184/95 – Pulse 68 -Pulse oximeter 95% What actions should the nurse take first?

• Assess the skin for pressure injury

• Adjust the room temp for comfort

• Prepare to administer enema Or Palpate clients bladder

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The nurse is admitting a client who has sustained a thermal burn injury.

The nurse is admitting a client who has sustained a thermal burn injury. The nurse notes the following assessment findings: -Pulse rate: 140 -Respirations: 25 -BP: 70/40 -Pale skin color -Faint pedal pulses Which of the following actions should the nurse take first?

• Collect a STAT complete blood cell count (CBC)

• Check pedal pulses with a venous doppler device

• Obtain a 12 lead ECG

•initiate ordered iv fluid resuscitation

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The nurse working in the emergency department is caring for a client who has myasthenia gravis. T

The nurse working in the emergency department is caring for a client who has myasthenia gravis. The client presents with bladder incontinence, dysphagia, absence of cough, respirations of 40 with dyspnea, and generalized weakness. Which of the following actions should the nurse take immediately?

• Administer atropine sulfate

• Gather intubation equipment

• Insert indwelling urethral catheter

• Set up bedside suction

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The nurse is teaching a client who was recently v diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux).

The nurse is teaching a client who was recently v diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux). Which of the following statements by the client would indicate a need for further teaching? “I may need to take a seizure medication for treatment.” “I will need to use a soft toothbrush when brushing my teeth.” · *”I will tape my affected eye closed at bedtime “I may notice the development of facial twitching.”

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The nurse is providing discharge instructions to the partner of a client who sustained a mild head injury as a result of a motor vehicle crash.

The nurse is providing discharge instructions to the partner of a client who sustained a mild head injury as a result of a motor vehicle crash. Which of the following statements by a partner indicates a correct understanding of the teaching • If my partner is sleeping, I will wake them up every 5-6 hours (F) • It is expected that my partner will have drainage from the nose for the next few days (F) • (T) • I will give my partner a lorazepam tonight to help with anxiety (F) Or I will bring my partner in the er if he begins to vomit

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