Jane observers that several nurses in her unit have experienced numerous patient deaths in the last few months and that they seem subdued and less engaged overall.

Jane observers that several nurses in her unit have experienced numerous patient deaths in the last few months and that they seem subdued and less engaged overall. In considering the situation, she identifies that there is no process to debrief following a patient death or opportunities for the nurses to express grief. After researching and consulting with the social work and pastoral care teams, she initiates a protocol for debriefing sessions and mourning rituals following a patient death. In this example, did Jane’s actions best exemplify the principles of management or leadership?

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How might Kerry use the principles of trauma-informed care to respond in this situation? 

Case Study: Workplace Violence Kerry serves on a professional practice unit council for the emergency department in which she works. Recently, the issue of workplace violence was raised after two staff members were injured by a patient. The discussion became heated. An older staff nurse stated that “we’ve always dealt with difficult patients; it is just part of being a nurse.” A younger nurse angrily responded that the reason violence was still such a problem is because the older nurses never bothered to take responsibility to do something about it. This led to multiple staff members expressing frustration and blame directed at one group of nurses or another.  Learning Check


How might Kerry use the principles of trauma-informed care to respond in this situation?


What leadership style might work best in this situation?

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If your team includes individuals from diverse backgrounds, then you know you are culturally competent.  Is this a true statement? Why or why not?

If your team includes individuals from diverse backgrounds, then you know you are culturally competent.  Is this a true statement? Why or why not?

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What is Cultural Essentialism? Michael works as a nurse in a pediatric medical-surgical unit. The unit often receives patients who are members of a large Amish community in the area.

Case Study: What is Cultural Essentialism? Michael works as a nurse in a pediatric medical-surgical unit. The unit often receives patients who are members of a large Amish community in the area. Many of the nurses express discomfort about caring for these patients and working with the families due to the difficulties in understanding their primary language, which is Pennsylvania Dutch. In addition, the unit has seen a high number of readmissions due to lack of treatment adherence post-discharge. Recently, one of Michael’s coworkers approached him and asked for advice. She is caring for a five-year-old who is being treated after a severe injury from a dog bite. She is stressed about trying to provide discharge teaching to the mother, whose primary language is Pennsylvania Dutch (a dialect of German) and who keeps telling the nurse that she cannot do the dressings as the nurse shows her. The nurse exclaims, “I just don’t understand! They have lived here for ages—why do none of them speak English?”


How is Michael’s coworker exhibiting cultural essentialism?


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A Case for Self-Compassion Blake works during the night shift as a nurse on an orthopedics section.

Case Study: A Case for Self-Compassion Blake works during the night shift as a nurse on an orthopedics section. Today is his fourth consecutive night to work a 12-hour shift, and he is feeling tired and worn out. He forgot to chart an antibiotic he gave toward the end of his last shift, and the dayshift nurse had to call him at home to check to see if he had given it. When he came into work tonight, his manager asked him about the charting error, saying that it was a safety concern. He heads into his first patient’s room and meets Mindy, a 47-year-old who is recovering from a hip replacement surgery completed yesterday. Mindy refuses to get out of bed to ambulate, stating, “This hurts so bad! You have no idea how much this hurts! The surgery was supposed to make things better, but it’s just so painful!” Blake responds by saying, “Well, sometimes we just have to do things that are painful. I didn’t want to be back here tonight, but I am.” Learning Check


Submit and Compare How might Blake’s intrapersonal communication be impacting his interpersonal communication with Mindy?


Submit and Compare How might Blake utilize

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Reflect on the development of resilience and personal health and why it is important in nursing professional practice.

Reflect on the development of resilience and personal health and why it is important in nursing professional practice.

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How has nursing   assisted in identifying opportunities to improve patient outcomes through the use of innovation and how you will apply this competency in  professional practice?

How has nursing   assisted in identifying opportunities to improve patient outcomes through the use of innovation and how you will apply this competency in  professional practice?

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 If the facility internally supported LGBTQ patients by policy but did not make a public announcement, would recruiting be more challenging?

The requirement to hire a diverse and inclusive facility staff.  Do you view the actions of a public announcement affirming the organization’s commitment to meeting and exceeding the healthcare needs of the LGBTQ community as an important factor in your recruiting?   If the facility internally supported LGBTQ patients by policy but did not make a public announcement, would recruiting be more challenging?  Any additional thoughts?  Anyone else?

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The requirement to hire a diverse and inclusive facility staff.  Do you view the actions of a public announcement affirming the organization’s commitment to meeting and exceeding the healthcare needs of the LGBTQ community as an important factor in your recruiting?

The requirement to hire a diverse and inclusive facility staff.  Do you view the actions of a public announcement affirming the organization’s commitment to meeting and exceeding the healthcare needs of the LGBTQ community as an important factor in your recruiting?   If the facility internally supported LGBTQ patients by policy but did not make a public announcement, would recruiting be more challenging?  Any additional thoughts?  Anyone else?

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Regarding ANA’s position on patient safety statement regarding the joint responsibilities of registered nurses and employers to reduce risks, what reforms might you push for and why?

Regarding ANA’s position on patient safety statement regarding the joint responsibilities of registered nurses and employers to reduce risks, what reforms might you push for and why? What interprofessional and interprofessional team members might you partner with to support such changes

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