Choose the Behavior Over Time graph that best represents the patterns you identified using the attached “Case Study 1 Graphs” or “Case Study 2 Graphs” for the case study you chose.

Recently, the historical growth in the global economy has begun to slow. As a result, many consumer goods manufacturers are experiencing a slowdown in sales, and Better. For You All, an all-natural breakfast cereal manufacturer is no exception. Breakfast food companies, in general, need help with competitors over prices, and markets. share, and profits. Better For You All competes mainly on price because of its products. could be more innovative and unusual. As a result, it relies on regular price promotion campaigns.

2. Choose the Behavior Over Time graph that best represents the patterns you
identified using the attached “Case Study 1 Graphs” or “Case Study 2 Graphs” for the case study
you chose. a. Discuss why the chosen Behavior Over Time graph best represents the patterns
present in the chosen case study.

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