comm project

Capture 5 naturally occurring interactions between you/your family members/your roommates and a voice assistant of your choice. Provide recorded audio files for each interaction as well as descriptions of the situation, setting, and the flow of interaction (at least one page of text should accompany each audio file).

Project II, Part 1

  • Max points: 20%
  • Capture 5 naturally occurring interaction between you/your family members/ your roommates and a voice assistant of your choice (select your assistant wisely)
  • Start with observations (You should observe for at least a couple days before recording!)
    • Identify who will be the best person for you to observe (you need a frequent user and a good fiedsite access!)
    • Get familiar with their use of the technology (When do they use it? How do they use it? In what situations?who is there?)
    • Organize for optimal recording (Consider carefully how exactly you will be record photos, notes!)
  • Provide recorded audio files for each interaction. DO NOT FAKE IT!
  • Provide descriptions of the situation, setting, and the flow of interaction (At least one page of text should accompany each audio file)
  • Field notes for the audio recording, at least 1 page for one audio clip
  1. Situation: What is going on? Describe the action that the bot conversation is part of. Then ask yourself: What happened before? What happened then?What happened after that?
  2. Settings: Describe the exact place in which the action took place. Then ask yourself: How often do you see these actions take place is that spot? Was the Place different in any respect this action take place in that spot? Was the place different in any respect this time? Did the place Change in response to the bot conversation in any way?….
  3. Interaction: Describe how exactly the interaction took place. Ask Lwho interacted with the bot? Can you describe emotions involved? Was anybody else present? Did others who were present engage in the interaction in any way? Did they notice that the interaction took place?……

Be thorough, be a good reporter

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