Complete the Criminal Justice Research Section: Research Theory on the topic below

Research Theory 


Complete the Criminal Justice Research Section: Research Theory on the topic below based mainly on the Research Theory Guide below the bold topic bullet points or developing and expanding your own, experience, knowledge, or sources. Explain in as much detail as possible.


  • State a Research Theory 
  • Theory: In this section, you are asked to develop a theoretical justification for your project. You will choose the best theory in criminology to align your introductory research question to the methods being used to answer your question.
  • Please provide a least 4-6 or more sources on the topic.



  • The Impact of Community Policing on Reducing Youth Crime Rates


bold Topic bullet points:

  • The purpose of this study is to investigate an essential component of this field, namely the evaluation of the influence that community policing has on the reduction of juvenile delinquency. 
  • The purpose of this study is to provide answers to questions such as whether or not a higher level of community policing is associated with lower rates of juvenile delinquency. In order to engage young people and prevent them from engaging in delinquent behaviors, which aspects of community policing are the most effective? 
  • What impacts do the socio-demographic characteristics of a community have on the efficiency of the community policing strategies that are implemented?
  • It is anticipated that the findings will provide valuable insights for policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and community leaders, which may potentially guide the development of strategies that are more effective in combating acts of youth criminality.
  • the purpose of this research proposal is to shed light on the complexities of crime prevention in the context of youth delinquency
  • Which specific community policing strategies are most effective for reducing youth crime?
  • How can community policing be adapted to different socio-demographic contexts?
  • What role does procedural justice play in mediating the impact of community policing on youth outcomes?
  • How can we measure the long-term effects of community policing on youth delinquency beyond immediate crime rates?


Research Theory Guide:

This study will be guided by a theoretical framework that integrates Social Control Theory with Procedural Justice Theory to understand the impact of community policing on reducing youth crime rates.


Social Control Theory posits that individuals are inherently drawn towards deviant behavior but are restrained by social bonds and control mechanisms. Community policing, through its emphasis on engagement, collaboration, and problem-solving, can strengthen these bonds and control mechanisms in several ways:

  1. Informal social control: Increased police presence and interaction with youth can foster social cohesion and community norms that discourage delinquency.
  2. Opportunity reduction: Problem-solving initiatives and targeted patrols can address environmental factors that facilitate crime, reducing opportunities for delinquency.
  3. Internalization of norms: Positive police-youth interactions and procedural justice experiences can promote legitimacy, respect for the law, and internalization of pro-social norms among youth.

Procedural Justice Theory emphasizes the importance of fair and respectful treatment by authorities in shaping perceptions of legitimacy and cooperation. In the context of community policing, this translates to:

  1. Transparency and accountability: Engaging youth in program design and decision-making, providing clear explanations for actions, and holding officers accountable for misconduct.
  2. Voice and neutrality: Creating avenues for youth to voice concerns and feel heard, while ensuring unbiased treatment regardless of race, ethnicity, or background.
  3. Proportionality and dignity: Utilizing minimal force and interventions that respect youth autonomy and well-being.

By integrating these theories, we can explore how community policing:

  • Strengthens social control: Does increased police visibility and interaction with youth lead to stronger community norms and reduced opportunities for delinquency?
  • Promotes procedural justice: Do specific community policing strategies, like foot patrols or youth councils, enhance feelings of fairness and legitimacy among youth?
  • Mediates outcomes: Does procedural justice act as a mediator, explaining how community policing influences youth crime rates beyond just social control mechanisms?

This framework allows us to:

  • Move beyond simple presence-reduction models: Analyze how specific program components and interactions shape outcomes.
  • Account for context: Explore how socio-demographic factors like poverty or community cohesion moderate the effectiveness of community policing.
  • Measure long-term impact: Examine not just immediate crime changes, but also shifts in attitudes, social bonds, and future offending trajectories.


Community policing has emerged as a promising approach to reducing youth crime rates, but the evidence is mixed and the mechanisms of its effectiveness are complex. This research will contribute to our understanding of how community policing can be used to deter youth delinquency, particularly by integrating Social Control Theory and Procedural Justice Theory. By examining how community policing strengthens social control, promotes procedural justice, and mediates outcomes, we can identify the most effective strategies and consider contextual factors to inform evidence-based approaches to safer and more just communities.

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