discussion 12 multiple intelligences 2020 unread replies 2020 replies read the chapter 11 sections on intelligence view the following videos and then respond to the discussion prompt below howard gardner s multiple intelligences links to an external

Discussion #12 Multiple Intelligences

2020 unread replies.2020 replies.

  1. Read the Chapter 11 sections on IntelligenceView the following videos and then respond to the discussion prompt below.
    1. Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences (Links to an external site.)
    2. Robert Sternberg -Successful Intelligence (Links to an external site.)
    3. IQ Testing Explained (Links to an external site.)

    The application requirements for the job of your dreams states that you must take an intelligence test and that the results will be included in the hiring consideration. You can choose to be tested using a standard IQ test, an intelligence test based on Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence, or a test based on Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence’s Theory. Which one would you choose and why?In your discussion post:

    1. Name the dream job
    2. Tell which intelligence test you would select
    3. Explain why the test you chose would best showcase your skills relative to your dream job. Make sure to make at least 3 specific connections between the skill set of the dream job to the elements of the chosen test.
    4. Interact with one classmate who chose the same type of test or identified a similar dream job
    5. Interact with one classmate who chose a different type of test or identified a significantly different dream job.

    Points Possible 15

    • Identification of dream job and type of test = 3
    • Connection between the type of test and dream job = 8
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