Distinguish organic molecules, structure, and function. 

The discussion is based on the textbook readings from Microbiology (2016). Once you have completed your assigned readings (see Unit Overview page) and your assigned activities for this unit, please answer 2 of the prompts below:

  • Distinguish organic molecules, structure, and function.  Be sure to talk about all 4 molecules.  (USLO 3.1)
  • Distinguish enzyme structure, function, and inhibition.  (USLO 3.2)
  • Differentiate catabolism, anabolism, and energy.  (USLO 3.3)
  • Discuss the steps of carbohydrate metabolism (glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and electron transport chain).  (USLO 3.4)
  • Compare the energy yield and final electron acceptors of metabolic pathways. (USLO 3.5)
  • List and discuss the metabolic diversity of microorganisms.  Ex: Chemoheterotrophs (USLO 3.6)
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