To complete this Assessment:

Reflect on your current healthcare organization and think about potential opportunities for evidence-based change.

Identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of an evidence-based change.

Create a 10- to 13-slide narrated PowerPoint presentation in which you address the following:

Explain the clinical issue of interest that is most conducive to an evidence-based practice change in your healthcare organization. (1–2 slides)

Describe the evidence-based practice change that you would recommend implementing to address the clinical issue of interest that you selected. Be specific and provide examples. (2–3 slides)

Compare at least two dissemination strategies that you might recommend to communicate evidence-based practice changes to your organization and explain why. (2 slides)

Compare at least two dissemination strategies that you would be least inclined to recommend to communicate evidence-based practice changes to your organization and explain why. (2 slides)

Identify at least two barriers that you might encounter when using the dissemination strategies that you are most inclined to use. (1 slide)

Explain how you might overcome the barriers that you identified. Be specific and provide examples. (2–3 slides)





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