exploratory research essay

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An excellent Exploratory Research Essay:

  • Provides well-articulated evidence toward an argument from multiple relevant perspectives–works to move toward a more complex understanding, beyond an either/or argument
  • Articulates a cogent and thoughtful thesis that is visible throughout the paper
  • Considers an audience of 5 relevant (one can be you) stakeholders and writes with that audience in mind
  • Incorporates a balanced range of evidence, including statistics, facts, expert sources, stakeholder voices, and personal experience
  • Is well-organized with an engaging introduction, clear and focused paragraphing that meaningfully connects readers back to the thesis, and a conclusion that effectively closes the paper
  • Integrates several reliable and credible voices (at least 5), using clear referencing, with signal phrasing and integration of quotes, summaries, and paraphrases
  • Is correctly formatted in MLA format, including parenthetical citations and works cited page with a minimum of 8 sources (2 peer reviewed sources, 6+ up to you)
  • Has no distracting errors in standard academic English
  • 1000 to 1250 words
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