Follow a heroic team of journalists as they uncover shocking corruption in the Romanian national healthcare system.

Amazon Prime: Collective

Follow a heroic team of journalists as they uncover shocking corruption in the Romanian national healthcare system. Take an up-close look as the Gazette team methodically discovers layer upon layer of unbridled fraud and criminal malfeasance.


Respond in-depth to each of the following as you engage with the resource, so you may want to jot down notes or thoughts as you view your selection:

  • Provide a brief overview of your selected video:
    You should make it clear you watched the entire video or completed the full experience. Please discuss and do not copy from any outside description of the material. Maintain a level of formality whether responding in text, audio, or video format.
  • What were the most important things you learned from this video?
    Discuss a few things you learned or learned more about from this video or experience.  Be sure to check for grammar and spelling if writing.
  • What impacted you most from this video, or how did it change your views or perspective?
    Describe what impacted you most from this video or experience and/or how this video or experience changed your views or offered new insight or a new perspective. This may include your feelings or general reactions. Consider what surprised (or shocked) you.
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