geol 1010 assignment about sedimentary metamorphic and igneous rocks

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Covers chapters 12, 13, 14 and 15

Geology Rocks (links to external site)
Metamorphic Rocks

Note: Answers to “short-answer” questions should be no longer than a few sentences.

1) Visit (Links to an external site.)

Poke around on the website (OR ON OTHER WEBSITES) and find either a landslide or other mass movement event that happened near where you live and then answer the following:

When? Where? How far is this from your home? Type of mass movement? Triggered by? Loss of lives? Financial impact?

2) What is the difference between chemical weathering and mechanical weathering?

3) A shale layer on a mountainside in the Canadian Rockies of British Columbia opened a window on a fantastic interval in the history of life, around 540 million years ago.
Read about it— (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

AND, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

A) Consider how shale forms. Why is shale often a better rock type for preserving fossils than say sandstone or conglomerate?

B) What sort of “depositional environment” is represented by the Burgess Shale?
(Definitely make sure that you look up, and understand, the use of the term “depositional environment” before answering this question.)

4) Very slow mass movement is called creep. How slowly can creep occur (e.g. meters/yr, feet/yr, millimeters/yr)?

5) Bouldering on Flagstaff Mountain (near Boulder, Colorado) takes place on the Fountain Formation. It is a combination of what detrital sedimentary rock types?

6) Make sure to view the entire group of “Geology Rocks” video segments (exam prep).
One feature of the Fountain Formation (i.e. flatiron rocks near Boulder) that suggests it was produced by the erosion of an ancient mountain range (Ancestral Rockies, appr. 290-300my ago) is the arkosic (i.e., feldspar-rich) composition of these sediments.
Question: WHY does this composition suggest the erosion of a nearby mountain range?

7) For a rock to be considered truly metamorphic, it must have undergone ______ .

A) melting B) recrystallization C) extreme pressure D) cementation

8) If a rock undergoing metamorphism reaches a temperature high enough to initiate partial melting, what sort of rock is formed?

Detailed Instructions for Questions 9 and 10

Universities in general, and especially a flagship research institution such as CU Boulder, are places where knowledge is not only disseminated but is also created. To answer this question, you’ll be asked to identify a research scientist or laboratory at CU-Boulder where new discoveries or new perspectives are being revealed about Earth or other planets.

For starters go to the discussion link in this module. You’ll see a note titled “Alan Lester Geology Interests” – which describes a little bit about my own research and intellectual pursuits.

Next, do some web research— see what sort of Earth (or planetary) Science research is being done at the University of Colorado. Lots of online resources, but I recommend faculty web pages in departments like GEOL, GEOG, ENVS, APAS, and/or allied institutes such as CAMW, CIRES, LASP, and INSTAAR.
If you Google Search any of the above (e.g. “CIRES University of Colorado”), the key pages will pop up!

9) In a few sentences, or short paragraph, describe the earth/planetary science done by a particular individual or lab, here at CU.
Have they found anything interesting or important? Be concise!

10) Now follow up the previous question– In a few sentences, or a short paragraph, describe why YOU think that this is either important work, or perhaps NOT so important! In short, I’m asking you to assess whether you think that this science project is worthwhile—is it worth spending tax dollars on? What do you think…Yes, no, “sort of”?

LASTLY, but importantly (if you want full credit)–Share answers to 9 and 10, via Discussion Post!
Easy to do–go to Communication Drop Down Tab, select Discussions. Then, click on a title, like “Alan Lester Geology Interests”– it will allow you to “Start a New Thread”… do so, and just copy and paste your answer.
(You MUST post your answers to #9 and #10,, and you are ENCOURAGED to comment on the postings of others– but, of course, be polite!)

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