Given Pearl’s situation, describe the implications of not providing value-based care. List all cost considerations you think the doctor should have made before recommending melatonin and a two-week follow up.

Pearl is a 64-year-old caucasian female cancer survivor. She lives outside of Chicago in a fixed income household. Because she has Medicare, she has to travel over an hour to see a primary care provider. Lately, she’s been feeling exhausted and not like herself. Her healthcare team does a routine exam, checks her height and weight, but does not review her medical and medication history and past cancer treatment. The PCP suggests she takes melatonin, provides healthy diet recommendations, and asks that she returns in two weeks.


Given Pearl’s situation, describe the implications of not providing value-based care. List all cost considerations you think the doctor should have made before recommending melatonin and a two-week follow up.

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