How does income affect childhood brain development?  

How does income affect childhood brain development?  

Watch the TED video: to an external site. 

Discuss some of the specific concepts you have learned about childhood brain development and income. 

  • In your response, use at least three new terms from the textbook to support your argument. 
  • Terms such as neuroplasticity, neuroscience, and the brain hemispheres should be included. 
  • This is not based on your personal views; you must include a reference to our course materials to support your ideas. 
  • Support your post with information from this week’s textbook reading on the brain. 

Discussion Board Expectations 

For consideration of full credit, write three posts that respond to the above statements in the discussion: one original and two responses to other students.  

A minimum of three resources must be used, and one of them must be your textbook. Provide scholarly, cited responses where applicable. Do not use Wikipedia. Use the library or a reputable source to support your posts. 

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