islamic architectural values and ideas

Using one or two examples, analyze the ways in which Islamic architecture embodies the deeper values and ideas of Islam.

6 pages, This class will have paper assignments of 6 pages. Papers will be analytical in nature and will give you the chance to explore topicaland comparative topics. Write your name, date, the class, and my name on the first pageUse page numbers, double space, and put you last name on every page after the firstUse a standard 12-point font, such as Times New Roman or something similarLeave the margins alone. There will be no need to alter them. Chicago style. Remember the footnotes.

6 outside sources

AFew Things to Check on Your Paper•Make sure your introduction clearly lays out what you will be arguing.

•Indent your paragraphs.

•Avoid the use of personal pronouns in your essay.•Be sure to use transitional sentences to get from one paragraph to the next.

•Check for run-­‐on sentences that need to be broken up into smaller units.

•Break up long blocks of text into smaller paragraphs.•Remember to cite your sources as you use them throughout your paper.

•Place any footnotes you have at the end of the sentence.

•Number your pages.

•Make a point of proofreading through your paper when you are done to catch any errors you may have accidentally overlooked.

•Remove anyspacesbetweenyourparagraphs

•6pages mean 6pagesfootnoteformatting,pleasevisitthefollowingwebsite:

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