linkedin practices thought leadership assignment

  • How to Cite your 5 Sources Required in Assignment 2

    Posted on: Friday, November 15, 2019 10:07:04 AM ESTIF YOU LOOK AT THE GRADING RUBRIC FOR THE THOUGHT LEADER ARTICLE, YOU WILL FIND: “Reference page was complete with more than 5 references cited consistently.”YOU NEED 5 REFERENCES IN YOUR THOUGHT LEADER ARTICLE You can use APA or digital citation with hyperlinks:
    Digital Citation Guide for Cheddar(1).docx Here is a helpful handout that is easy to use for APA citation. UG APA intext and Reference Help(1).docx Every time you use someone’s ideas, you must have an intext citation at the end of the sentence that it is in, or as a signal phrase at the beginning of the sentence. I have done this in all of my HGTE responses to you. Use them as a modelIf you are directly quoting someone, you also need quotation marks around the words AND an intext citation. With a direct quote, your intext citation must also include para. X or p. X (para. stands for paragraph for websites and p. stands for page for printed material), depending on the type of source. For every intext citation, you need a reference. However, you might have several intext citations from the same sources, and that only requires one reference. The Purdue University Online Writing Lab is very helpful for using APA:
    Digital Citation with hyperlinks: In this case all the information is in the article:

    Book Becker & Wortmann (2009) Mastering Communication at Work. How to Lead, Manage, and Influence
    Article, Blog, Newspaper, Magazine Corey Wainwright (2019) in How to Cite Sources & Not Steal People’s Content on the Internet found on
    Webpage or Company Cheddar MBA Certificates (2019)
    Video Jon Steinberg (2019) Week 1 live lesson [Video File]
    • To create a hyperlink, click on insert and a hyperlink icon will come up:

    • Or place the source’s URL on a document, right click at the end of it and a box for hyperlink will come up:

    Here is an article that I wrote and published in LinkedIn with hyperlinks: are some sample student articles with APA citations: Head F18 Thought Leader.pdf Guiterrez Assignment 2_Thought Leadership Practice Exercise-2(1).pdf
    Posted by: GAIL SUMMERSKILLPosted to: Business Communications COM510019VA016-1198-001

  • Cheddar Chat Wednesday!!

    Posted on: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 12:24:55 PM ESTPosted by: GAIL SUMMERSKILLPosted to: Business Communications COM510019VA016-1198-001

  • Week 7 Overview

    Posted on: Sunday, November 10, 2019 11:26:46 PM ESTThis week we will be discussing Twitter. Don’t forget your main post done by Wednesday at midnight. Read Social Networking for Career Success: Chapters 8 -10Please watch the walk-through video for Assignment 2 and tell me something that you found interesting in it when you answer your CC: are the Cheddar Chat questions: **Why is Twitter an excellent platform for personal branding? **How can you position yourself as an expert on Twitter, and take advantage of popular hashtags and content? **What are some hashtags that you want to have associated with your business or personal brand?HGTE: It Tweeting a skill? Why or why not? Are you skilled at it?Also, on Sunday this week, your thought leader article is due. I sent out several announcements about it last week. Here is some more information for you. YOU NEED 5 CREDIBLE SOURCES. You can use APA formatting (APA Times New Roman 12 font, double spacing) in the provided template in week 7 or a blog format, which I attach here, below, in the form of student samples. If you want to do it like a blog, still include a References page. If you want to hyperlink the sources instead of intext citation, I will accept that, too.Here is what you must have (1-2 pages) :**Introduction, with hook and thesis**Body paragraphs about your idea with intext citations to back up your ideas (APA format) and **ConclusionDirections: COM 510 Assignment 2 Directions.pdf COM510_Cheddar MBA_Assignment 2.pdf
    Assignment 2Thought Leadership Practice Template.docx Student models of both formats: Bernstein PRACTICE THOUGHT LEADERSHIP EXERCISE – Brett Bernstein Final.pdf Guiterrez Assignment 2_Thought Leadership Practice Exercise-2.pdf Posted by: GAIL SUMMERSKILLPosted to: Business Communications COM510019VA016-1198-001

  • Overview of Assignment 2 Due on November

    Posted on: Thursday, November 7, 2019 9:11:12 AM EST
    On November 17 (end of week 7), Assignment 2: Thought leader Article is due. You are writing an article with at least 5 outside references. Here is your walk through video:
    Week 7 A2: Thought Leader ArticleYouTube URL: Guide – COM510_Cheddar MBA_Assignment 1_2_.pdf FAQ: Can you write about any topic that you want? Yes. You can write about any topic that you want. Here is what is in the A2 directions: “You get to choose the topic so pick something that is relevant to your personal brand/career, and that you can share with others. You can approach it from a number of angles. You can identify or propose a solution to a business issue, discuss industry trends, or suggest an idea/innovation that you feel is important.”FAQ: What should be included in the Thought Leader Article:
    Here is the answer from the A2 Directions:

    1. Catchy Title/Hook
    2. Introduction of the Idea or Problem- 1 paragraph
    3. Body/Discussion of the Idea or Problem – 2-3 paragraphs including supporting statistics/data andstories (focus on and outline 2-3 main ideas or points)
    4. Conclusion/Recommendations- 1 paragraph
    5. References- must be included in the form of a reference page (APA format suggested)

    FAQ: Should you be selling yourself?No. You should be sharing information in your field and establishing yourself in your field. You are not directly selling a product. Being a thought leader is to do the following: “When it comes to being a thought leader, obviously being knowledgeable and up-to-date with industry trends is key. But let’s not focus on being innovative. That comes later. To be innovative, you have to know your industry and know it well.Your knowledge as a thought leader is based on experience, both past and present, the latest news coming out of your industry, and how you use that intel to educate your audience. Because just knowing something isn’t everything. It’s all about the balance between knowing and doing. And as a thought leader, you have to practice what you preach” (para. 2-3)Stewart, C. (2018, March 21). 5 examples of thought leadership content. Direct Images Interactive. Retrieved from:…FAQ: Where do you find examples:
    Google “Thought leader article examples” for general information. Google “Thought leader article (your field/topic here” for field/topic articlesJon Steinberg Example:
    Gail Summerskill Example:
    Lily Garcia Walton Example: Assignment 2_Thought Leadership Practice Exercise-2.pdf

    Tatum Thought Leadership Exercise _Revised_.pdf

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