Mrs. Maxwell was having financial difficulties during stressful divorce proceedings and was not sleeping well. She was trying to find a second job to support her children and was behind on her rent payments. She developed painful blisters on one side of her chest and went to a nurse practitioner. 

Mrs. Maxwell was having financial difficulties during stressful divorce proceedings and was not sleeping well. She was trying to find a second job to support her children and was behind on her rent payments. She developed painful blisters on one side of her chest and went to a nurse practitioner.

Physical Examination

■ Vital signs normal ■ Reddish wheals on left chest in dermatome distribution

Mrs. Maxwell’s diagnosis is shingles.


1. What is the technical term for shingles? ____________________ 


2. What virus causes shingles? ____________________


3. Was this Mrs. Maxwell’s first exposure to the virus? Explain your answer. 


4. Why do the lesions have this distribution? 


5. Why do they not cross the midline?


6. Why might Mrs. Maxwell have developed the shingles now? 


7. What diagnostic test can be used to diagnose Shingles?


8. What condition might persist after the shingles lesions disappear? ____________________


9. Discuss the 3 phases of wound healing, include details on dysfunctional wound healing and interventions to assist wound healing


10. Detail the pathophysiology, clinical presentation and treatment options for Atopic Dermatitis.


11. Discuss Three primary skin lesions and one or more of their associated conditions (example: plaque-flattened lesion with variable shape greater than 1 cm in diameter seen in psoriatic lesions).


12. Discuss Three secondary skin lesions and one or more of their associated conditions (example: crust-dried exudate may be serous or honey colored seen in impetigo).

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