need help in cryptography course research paper

Write a 2-3 page academic paper answering the following question:

“How do you plan to apply the knowledge you have gained in this course in your current or future career?”

You must support your work with at least two credible sources.

You must use proper APA formatting, which includes a cover page, abstract, and reference page. There is an APA Guidance folder under the Content tab that contains excellent information and links for APA formatting guidelines to include a template that you can use as a go-by to get you started.

**Critical ** Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

You must also ensure that you properly, paraphrase, cite and reference your sources following proper APA guidelines.

I recommend you check your work using SafeAssign to ensure the work is your own original work. Papers over 29.9% similarity score in the content of the work is unacceptable and may not be accepted for credit with an academic integrity review sent to the University.

To avoid plagiarism, you must ensure that you do the following:

Use your own words, to include proper use of paraphrasing for all work that you submit.

If you choose to use another’s words, you MUST place it within quotes and properly cite it and reference it.

Rule of thumb – 80% of the submission MUST be in your own words. No more than 20% of the submission should be copied and pasted from another source and it must be properly quoted, cited, and referenced.

Understand, plagiarism is a serious offense that could lead to earning a 0 for the assignment, a 0 for the course, or expulsion from the University. Therefore, it is important that your work be your own work. I want to know what you have learned. I want to hear your voice!

Required Text
Stallings, Williams. Cryptography and Network Security. Pearson, 2017.

Print ISBN: 9780134444284, 0134444280

eText ISBN: 9780134444635, 0134444639

Other articles and readings may be assigned by course professor.

Recommended Materials/Resources

Harris, Shon. All in One CISSP Exam Guide, Sixth Edition. McGraw-Hill, 2013.

Paar, Christof, Pelzl,Jan and Preneel, Bart. Understanding Cryptography: A Textbook for Students and Practitioners. Springer Publishing, 2010.

Rhodes-Ousley, Mark. The Complete Reference to Information Security, Second Edition.McGraw-Hill, 2013.

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