People with narcissistic personality disorder display at least five of these symptoms: a sense of self-importance;

Guided Reading Questions —

The Crucible Act 3 Be sure to utilize evidence from the text (pg 86-123)- i.e. quotations and citations — when answering these questions.

1. People with narcissistic personality disorder display at least five of these symptoms: a sense of self-importance; preoccupation with fantasies " of unlimited power, love, success, brilliance, or beauty; belief that he/she is special; requirement of excessive admiration; a strong sense of entitlement; exploitation of others; lack of empathy; jealousy; obvious demonstrations of arrogance. Using the text, can you, as an amateur psychologist for the day, diagnose Abigail with this unfortunate disease? Use specific examples from either her speech or the stage directions as evidence.

2. Throughout this act, Abigail, Susanna, Mercy, Betty, and even Mary Warren are referred to as “children” or “girls”. Even Arthur Miller perpetuates this by using the term “girls” in the stage directions as these young ladies repeat Mary Warren’s words. What damage do these terms subtly do to the trial’s credibility? Why is Proctor ignored when he says repeatedly, “It is not a child!”™?

3. Trace Hale’s change of heart toward the accusers through this act. Use specific examples and page numbers. (Hint: Identify his original position, then show how he changes.)

4. Is Mary Warren ultimately a sympathetic or unsympathetic character? Explain your answer. -]

5. Proctor’s fatal mistake is in assuming that the court is honorable, that Danforth and Hathorne are truly looking to find and punish the guilty. Look at Proctor’s final two lines in Act 3. First, explain his meaning. Why does he use the imagery of fire to explain what has happened? -]

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