prepare 150 words summary

Each student will notify the TA whether they are initially going long or short for each of the

3 contracts. This will be handled through Canvas. At the end of the 2 weeks all open positions

are closed and you determine whether you made or lost money based on how prices moved over

the 2 week interval. The TA knows your market position and will check your math in your written

assignment against the price moves over the 2 week period, for each contract and for your portfolio

of all 3 contracts combined. For each futures derivative you will only buy/sell one contract for each

assignment. This means you will hold a total of 3 contracts for each assignment. The contracts will

be entered into on the beginning assignment date and then liquidated on the ending assignment


At the end of each assignment, each student will complete and submit a one page summary

with 50 words on each contract, for a total of 150 words, explaining why the prices tracked a

certain way during the 2 weeks. In the write-up, you will be asked to show the calculations behind

what the per-contract profit or loss is for each of the contracts. As part of the write-up, you will

be required to correctly cite at least one financial news article (WSJ, Economist, Financial Times,

Internet article, etc) for each of the commodities when explaining the price movement over the 2

week period. Please do not cut and paste market commentary from these sources or

you lose points.

Here are three link!!!!

2. Contracts for the second assignment include:

Feb 2020 CME Lean Hogs (code HEG20) 40,000 lbs.

settle prices:…

Dec 2019 CME 10 year Treasury Notes (ZNZ19) $100,000; pts 32nds of 100%.

settle prices:…

Dec 2019 CME Japanese Yen (code J6Z19). 12,500,000 Yen.

settle prices:…

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