presentation 269

hello I have a presentation, i would need a toutor to follow a rubric and do few things, so I can say in the presentation

my presentation is on Women in leadership role. i will provide the rubric.

this is the article, but you can also research.

12-4bGender and Leadership

Another factor that is clearly changing the nature of leadership is the growing number of women advancing to higher levels in organizations. Given that most leadership theories and research studies have focused on male leaders, developing a better understanding of how females lead is clearly an important next step. For example, do women and men tend to lead differently? Some early research suggests that there are indeed fundamental differences in leadership as practiced by women and men.

For instance, in contrast to original stereotypes, female leaders are not necessarily more nurturing or supportive than are male leaders. Likewise, male leaders are not systematically more harsh, controlling, or task focused than are female leaders. The one difference that does seem to arise in some cases is that women have a tendency to be slightly more democratic in making decisions, whereas men have a similar tendency to be somewhat more autocratic.

As more and more women assume high-profile leadership positions experts have asked whether women lead differently than do men. While few meaningful differences have been identified, this question will undoubtedly continue to be raised. The issue, of course, is not whether one gender leads “better” than the other, but simply if there are differences. Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, has demonstrated high levels of leadership effectiveness.

A photo shows Sheryl Sandberg addressing the audience.


There are two possible explanations for this pattern. One possibility is that women may tend to have stronger interpersonal skills than men and are hence better able to effectively involve others in making decisions. Men, on the other hand, may have weaker interpersonal skills and thus have a tendency to rely on their own judgment. The other possible explanation is that women may encounter more stereotypic resistance to their occupying senior roles. If this is the case, they may actively work to involve others in making decisions so as to help minimize any hostility or conflict. Clearly, however, much more work needs to be done in order to better understand the dynamics of gender and leadership. It is obvious, of course, that high-profile and successful female leaders such as Hillary Clinton (former Secretary of State), Marissa Mayer (CEO of Yahoo!), Indra Nooyi (CEO of PepsiCo), and Sheryl Sandberg (COO of Facebook) are demonstrating the effectiveness with which women can be truly exceptional leaders.

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