reflection on the planning process assess your competence 1

Introduction and Alignment

Continuing the theme of skill practice to build competence, you will have the opportunity in this activity to

an intervention plan for Adanna, the client introduced in the 4.3 practice activity. You will watch a 10-minute video by an experienced clinician about intervention and planning with clients who are experiencing suicidal ideation. Then you will read an update about Adanna, who has now disclosed suicidal thoughts in the most recent meeting. Finally, you will create and upload an intervention plan for Adanna that includes the necessary elements of the planning process.

Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:

  • Create empathic client engagement that leads to empowerment and growth. (PO 6)
  • Apply social work theories to client engagement, assessment, intervention, and evaluation at the micro practice level. (PO 6, 7, 8, 9)


  • Textbook: Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice

  • File
    : Journal Worksheet_Treatment Planning

Background Information

Clients are empowered by working with their social worker to create strengths-based plans for their treatment and safety. The planning phase of the social work practice framework involves a collaborative process in which social workers and clients discuss specific needs, risks, strengths, and resources. They then create plans to address treatment needs and safety issues with goals and objectives that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (S.M.A.R.T.) (Doran, 1981). The result of this planning process is most commonly a written document known as a treatment or intervention plan. These plans are sometimes included in an assessment (completed by an intake worker at some agencies), while in other programs, treatment plans are created and continually updated by a therapist.

Social workers in a variety of capacities create and use intervention plans. The ability to effectively plan with clients is essential to the success of the social work practice framework.


  1. In your textbook, Social Work Skills for Beginning Direct Practice, read Chapter 10, “Problem Identification, Planning, and Contracting.”
  2. Review the assessment criteria in the grading rubric below to understand the grading guidelines for this reflection.

  3. Download
    the file Journal Worksheet: Treatment Planning. On the worksheet, complete the following:

    1. Assess your level of competency in the critical areas of social work practice and the treatment planning process listed on the worksheet.
    2. Reflect on your ability to execute each treatment planning skill or strategy before choosing your rating. Strive to provide an accurate rating of your abilities as they apply to each concept or skill today.
    3. You may refer to the readings for this activity to help clarify each concept or skill before rating your ability.
    4. For each question, provide two questions that you could use with the client populations you will work within the future.
    5. Include any notes, questions, or concerns that you may have about assessment so that your instructor can respond to them.
    6. Reflect on your abilities related to treatment planning and respond to the writing prompts at the end of the worksheet.
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