sociological theory 12

This report must be in paragraph form and be no more than 5 pages. The paper must also be double-spaced, size 12 print, and Times New Roman font with standard margins. Choose one to write about: Niklas Luhmann, Norbert Elias, Ludwig Gumplowicz.

Additionally, you must cite the book and two outside sources.The book required for this course is: Appelrouth, Scott and Laura D. Edles. 2016. Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory (3rd ed.).You cannot use direct quotes from the book or those sources, except in the case of the names of their key terms. In other words, you will need to summarize their points in your own words. Deviations from the requirements will result in deducted points. Be sure to properly cite your sources! Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

There are several points you must address in your report:

1. Clearly define the social issues your theorist examined.

2. Describe their key theories.

3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of their theories?

4. How do the ideas of a theorist we covered in class compare with those of your theorist?

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