spiritual end of life support outline

This week, you will submit an outline of your term paper.

  • Your submission must include an introduction, body, and conclusion sections in outline format.
  • Each section of your outline should include topic sentences and paragraph transitions that help tie your major points together.
  • Your outline must follow current APA style formatting.
  • Refer to the writing resources below to get started.



I chose spiritual end of life support in healthcare due to my personal life story and experience. In 2018 I was fighting with life and was hospitalized critically ill with hemorrhagic stroke to the nearest hospital. The condition was very severe, and the damage was irreversible due to physicians. I was going to be unable to walk, talk, speak to eat so my family was offered to sign PAD form. After healthcare team was refused to proceed with PAD by my parents the quality of care dropped to the unacceptable level. My mother, being spiritual believer asked the nurse if we can receive the hospital’s spiritual services and the nurse told my parents that it is impossible now and will be in a part of end of life care. My parents requested supervisor and complained that holding patients spiritual care is not legal. After proceeding with complaint, I was able to receive a spiritual support from local chaplain and today I am a west coast University student writing this paper. Thinking realistically, the chaplain services did not make my medical condition better, but it helped me and my family to survive and fight. It is very important to provide spiritual care to everyone who needs it in healthcare setting.

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