The floor of the cave was slippery, but the group wore sturdy boots that gripped the ground.

1)The floor of the cave was slippery, but the group wore sturdy boots that gripped the ground.


a-Group of answer choices


b-separates items in a series


c-joins two main clauses


d-sets off an introductory clause, phrase, or word


e-sets off a nonrestrictive modifier (modifying words that could be removed without loss of meaning)


2)The stalactites, which are rock structures that form down from the ceiling, looked like teeth in the mouth of the cave.


Group of answer choices


a-Aqueducts which are manmade systems to transport water, have been around since ancient times.


b-no change



3)The explorers found an underground lake, which allowed them to fill their canteens.


Group of answer choices


a-separates items in a series


b-separates coordinate adjectives (adjectives that independently modify the same noun)


c-joins two main clauses


d-sets off a nonrestrictive modifier (modifying words that could be removed without loss of meaning)


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