unit 2 assignment 25

The Unit 2 Assignment extends the work you did in Unit 1 regarding the competitive and macroenvironmental factors that impact a business. For this Assignment, you will prepare a SWOT analysis using the company and environmental factors you analyzed in the Unit 1 Assignment. As a reminder, strengths and weaknesses are derived from an organization’s competitive environmental factors (including rivals, new competitors, customers, substitute services, and suppliers). Opportunities and threats are derived from an organization’s macroenvironmental factors include laws and regulations (including the economy, technology, demographics, and social values).

  • See Assignment 2 template.
  • Using your research from Unit 1 as well as at least one other external source from the university library, prepare a SWOT analysis for your chosen organization (selected in Unit 1).
  • For an example of a SWOT analysis, see “Skechers USA, Inc. SWOT Analysis”.
  • To aid you in your research, check out the library’s “Business Resource Guide” under “Academic Tools”.
  • Specific research databases you might find useful include “Business Market Research Collection” and “Business Source Complete”, although you may use other sources as well.
  • Keyword search terms you might find useful include “SWOT”, “competitive analysis”, or “strategy” plus company name.

Assignment Checklist:

  • Using the assignment template, complete a company overview describing your chosen company.
  • Complete a SWOT analysis for your chosen company, including at least one strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat.
  • Utilize at least one external source from the university library.
  • Your submission should include a title page, company overview, SWOT analysis table, and reference list. For assistance writing a paper or formatting a reference list in APA format, please see the “Citation and Plagiarism Resources” link under “Academic Tools”.
  • The paper should be at least two double-spaced pages in length (including the SWOT table), using size 12-point font.
  • Once completed, submit to the Unit 2 Assignment Dropbox.
  • Assignments are due Tuesday 11:59 p.m. ET of their assigned unit.
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