What is the study design and the Level of Evidence Produced?

A systematic review of chiropractic care for fall prevention: rationale, state of the evidence, and recommendations for future research


Study Design e.g. Systematic review, cohort, retrospective, experimental design, descriptive study, randomized control trial; qualitative


Theoretical Model or Framework – as stated in the study, otherwise state, None


Questions/ Hypothesis/Variables


Sample/Size – How recruited, # participants, ages, gender, etc. and the population to which the results can be generalized.


Methodology – Summarize how data were collected, including how informed consents were obtained, what tool was used i.e. a survey, interviews, chart audit, etc., how confidentiality and anonymity were protected, how data were stored, and any other steps to the data collection process as appropriate.



Statistics – Statistical analyses used to test the hypotheses and to test significance of the differences between the means


Conclusions – study findings and conclusions


What is the study design and the Level of Evidence Produced?


Did the sampling method truly capture the population it seeks to reflect?


What is your overall evaluation of the quality of the sample?


Did the researcher use multiple measures of a key variable i.e. observation, interview, survey, etc.?


Does the researcher offer evidence of the reliability of the data collection tool and its measures?


Does the researcher offer evidence of the validity of the data collection tool and its measures?


If the researcher used interviews, is the interview protocol described in detail?


If the research is qualitative, did the researcher use peer review or member checking


Does the researcher explicitly describe the study boundaries: the limitations, and delimitations of his/her own research?


Does the researcher explicitly describe strengths and weaknesses of his/her own research?


Does the research refer to causality?  Is the research a good vehicle for exploring causality?


Does the researcher report the results of significance tests? If yes, does the researcher imply that any significant differences are necessarily large?  Explain.


What is your overall evaluation of the study/ article?

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