what would you do in the following situation? Imagine you are captain of a spaceship that landed with a crew of ten people on a remote planet to conduct scientific research.

what would you do in the following situation? Imagine you are captain of a spaceship that landed with a crew of ten people on a remote planet to conduct scientific research. There are five men and five women. One of these people is over 65 and another is 25. There are nine people with advanced college degrees and one without a degree. Eight people have spouses and children on earth, and two do not. You learn, however, that due to some catastrophic problems, the ship cannot be launched from the planet with all the crew members aboard: it is 170 pounds over the carrying capacity. Now the oxygen tank is almost drained. What would you do? In a famous classical series of Star Trek, Mr. Spock, a character with superior intellectual skills – far exceeding those of other crew members – offered a very “logical” solution: to leave the least valuable crew member on the planet (where this person would die and, by this sacrifice, save the lives of the other crew members). Who is less and who is more valuable under these circumstances? How would you define a human being’s value? What would be your solution to this hypothetical task?

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