written proposal 3

Part 3: Written Proposal – First Graded Submission (200 points):

Learning objectives:

  1. Target a results-oriented business audience
  2. Write and edit so that your messages are clear, concise and precise
  3. Prepare and deliver engaging oral presentations
  4. Apply critical thinking skills and increase your ability to interpret, analyze, evaluate, conclude and explain
  5. Identify, assess and apply credible information sources to develop and support arguments.

Your written proposal must include the following:

  1. Begin with a cover page that includes your name, the title of the proposal, the date, and the audience to whom you are sending the proposal.
  2. Executive Summary (This is a separate page at the beginning of the proposal and not included in the three pages):
    • The executive summary is where you present your case and give the reader the main “takeaway” of your proposal. Don’t focus on covering every detail. Instead, give an overview of the main details—your idea, the problem/need/opportunity it addresses, overall cost, and timing—focusing on the outcomes/conclusion you want the reader to understand.
    • Your summary should be less than one page and should be on its own page. Be direct by leading with your “purpose statement” (for example, “The Fox School of Business should expand its … “).
  3. Definition of the problem/need/opportunity:
    • Give background information to help the reader understand the need for the idea(s) you’re proposing. Be specific and reference outside sources that help to support your rationale for the need/opportunity.
  4. Proposed Project Details:
    • Give in-depth, realistic/”actionable” details and specifics related to your proposed concept (e.g. if you’re proposing a one-credit course, here’s where you would suggest specific learning objectives, assignments, who would teach/manage the course, etc…).
      • Be sure to include strategies for creating awareness of what you are proposing. For example, if you are proposing a service/course/program for students, consider ways to “get the word out” to students. Also include ways to get positive publicity for Temple (if your proposal is Temple-related) or other organization to whom you are proposing your idea.
    • Give any needed market-analysis here (i.e. what competitors are doing, how your proposal will compare, etc…).
    • Your goal in this section is to give enough detail so that your reader can visualize the final product of what you’re proposing
  5. Implementation Plan/Timeline:
    • Summarize what steps need to occur, and when, to implement what you propose.
    • Reference your appendix for a visual graphic of your timeline and other supporting visuals.
  6. Budget:
  • Summarize initial costs and, if applicable, forecast revenues.
    • Reference an appendix for full visual cost-breakdown.
  1. Assert the audience-focused benefits of your solution.
    • You can also include here benefits to other stakeholders (but make sure to be thorough and specific regarding benefits to the proposal’s audience; use the “you view”).
  2. Conclusion:
    • Briefly reiterate estate your main points, especially the need and benefits, and suggest a next step in the process to implement your proposal.
  3. Appendices:
    • Include any larger graphics here (such as a visual timeline and budget table, as well as other supporting graphics.)
  4. Include, as a separate last page, your APA-style references used in your proposal.

Format Requirements:

  • Your proposal should comprise about three pages (not including cover page, executive summary and appendices) single spaced or six pages double spaced.
  • Use 1-inch margins and 11 or 12-point font;
  • Use brevity tools such as section headers, bullet points, lists, timetables, charts, etc. (Note, however, that your ideas must be complete thoughts that are clear to your audience.)
  • Use in-text APA citations in the body of your proposal; these must explicitly connect to your references list at the end.

At a minimum, you should include a visual timeline (there’s a template for this in Microsoft Word), a table or chart outlining the budget/costs, and at least one other relevant visual.

here’s the attached for the proposal, first two are samples. the others are the information you will need to finish the proposal.

I will explain more about the proposal and written rubric.

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