$100.00 charge for service multiplied by 8 patients/each day equals $800.00 revenue/per day.

D030 Task 2 Financial Projections


Method for calculating monthly revenue:

Average fee x # pts seen/day= revenue/day

Multiply this by the # days the service line is open in a month (20 days for M-F; 24 days for M-S; 30 days for 7 days)= total month projected rate (%) in the first year of operation. The average growth rate for new businesses is 2-4% Mid-range is 3%= (0.03) (remember, you can’t multiple a percentage so you must move the decimal point 2 places to the left to change from a percentage to a decimal number)


Revenue Graph for Year 1

See Unit 7 for a step-by-step on how to do this. I suggest using 4 quarters. Be sure to add labels to explain the meaning

Q1=monthly revenue x 3 months

Q2= Q1 +growth rate (0.03)

Q3=Q2 + growth rate (0.03)

Q4= Q3 + growth rate (0.03)



$100.00 charge for service multiplied by 8 patients/each day equals $800.00 revenue/per day.


$800.00 revenue/per day multiplied by 20 days (M-F services days per month) equals $16,000.00 total monthly projected revenue


Q1= $16,000.00 monthly projected revenue multiplied by 3 months equals $48,000.00

Q2= $48,000.00 (Q1 revenue) + growth rate (0.03)=

Q3= Q2 revenue +growth rate (0.03) =

Q4= Q3 revenue + growth rate (0.03)=

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