part one 4 1 discussion debate opportunity or oppression

I need someone to complete a 3-4 paragraph debate as to how sweatshops oppress workers. This is an argumentive piece and needs to be addressed from a cultural relativism standpoint. The post should cover the following:

Industrialization and globalization are driving the production and consumption of cheap goods. Anthropologists can examine how cultures both influence and are influenced by industrialization and globalization. As evident in the assigned articles and video, industrialization and globalization can separate the contexts of consumption and production. Western countries as mass consumers are shielded from the circumstances of the producers in less developed countries, such as worker exploitation and changes in social structures.

In this discussion, you will examine the effects of industrialization and globalization through an anthropologist’s lens using the concept of cultural relativism, which was first introduced in Module One. The discussion will take the form of a debate in which you will examine sweatshops—places where garments are made quite cheaply, usually in less developed countries—as either places that offer valuable opportunities to workers or places that oppress workers

– Explain how industrialization and globalization—including technological innovation—contribute to the existence of sweatshops.

– Defend your assigned position, citing specific information from the provided resources.

– Use clear statements as to how cultural relativism influences your position.

Below is a list of required resources that must be read or viewed to complete the task:

Required Resources
MindEdge: See attached PDF. All sections that are required are highlighted yellow.
Economics and Anthropology 4.05
Consumption 4.11
Industrialization, Globalization, and the Global Environment 4.18–4.19

Article: Building Collapse in Bangladesh Leaves Scores Dead
This article describes the larger debate around sweatshops following a building collapse in Bangladesh in April 2013.

Article: Here’s How the Cambodians Who Stitch Your Clothes Are Routinely Abused
Based on a report from the organization Human Rights Watch, this article describes worker abuse in Cambodian sweatshops.

Video: Three Reasons Sweatshops Are Good for the Poor (cc) (5:12)
In this video, Matt Zwolinski explains three reasons why sweatshops are not as bad for workers as we may think.

Article: Two cheers for sweatshops
In this New York Times Magazine article, Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn suggest that sweatshops contributed significantly to the revival of the Asian economy.

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