business communication 68



The following is an outline describing the format and content to follow for the Written Report.

FORMAT: (Please put your information in the following order)

1. Title Page (separate page) +

2. Table of Contents (separate page) +

3. ½ page Executive Summary (separate page) +

4. Minimum of 5 full pages of text, maximum of 7 pages; double-spaced- meaning one blank space between lines (including headings and sections), indent at the beginning of paragraphs. Make sure you write in paragraphs, not outline or listing information. +

5. Bibliography- (separate page) Minimum of four sources and they all can be online sources. You may also interview people doing that job now right now for 2 of your sources.

6. Total # of pages will be between 9 – 11 pages.


The theme of this report will be from the following:

BUSINESS CAREER TOPIC – pick a job that you might obtain after you get your degree in a career that you are interested in and research it. This should include: job requirements (education, work experience, licenses, skills), salary, benefits, job duties, employment outlook, and more.

See me for a different topic


Use the BUS 128 FORMAL WRITTEN REPORT EXAMPLE 3 Module 8.4 and follow the format of this example, this will include:

Spacing – 1 blank space between Headings, Lines and Paragraphs

Indent at the beginning of a paragraph

Follow my page numbering exactly

Lots of headings – Use the Written Report Headings in Modules 8.3

Proofread for spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Written Report Rubric

Written Report Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcomein Business Report format following my examplePROPOSED DETAILS FOR WRITTEN REPORT The following is an outline describing the format and content to follow for the written report. FORMAT: (Please put your information in the following order) 1. Title Page (separate page) + 2. Table of Contents (separate page) + 3. ½ page Executive Summary (separate page) + 4. Minimum of 5 full pages of text, maximum of 7 pages; double-spaced- meaning one blank space between lines (including headings and sections), indent at the beginning of paragraphs. Make sure you write in paragraphs, not outline or listing information. + 5. Bibliography- (separate page) Minimum of four sources. You may interview people doing that job now right now for 2 of your sources. 6. Total # of pages will be between 9 – 11 pages. CONTENT: The theme of this report will be from the following: BUSINESS CAREER TOPIC – pick a high level job that you might obtain after you get your degree in a career that you are interested in and research it. This should include: job requirements (education, work experience, licenses, skills), salary, benefits, job duties, employment outlook, and more.

50.0 pts


46.0 pts


Page numbers do not follow fully my example

43.0 pts

Missing information from my instructions and example such as page numbers and length and spacing

40.0 pts

Missing information from my instructions and example such as page numbers and length, spacing, spelling, and punctuation errors

35.0 pts

Does not follow my example or Instructions and missing information from my instructions and example such as page numbers and length, spacing, spelling, and punctuation errors, not the correct topic

0.0 pts

Not Submitted


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