Explain which theory of policing (Evidence-Based, Preventative, Reactive, Problem Solving) is best exemplified by a private investigator and provide a rationale. 

Explain which theory of policing (Evidence-Based, Preventative, Reactive, Problem Solving) is best exemplified by a private investigator and provide a rationale.

  • Describe the theory.
  • Explain why the theory is best exemplified by the career.
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Explain which theory of policing (Evidence-Based, Preventative, Reactive, Problem Solving) is best exemplified by Private Investigators and provide rationale.

Explain which theory of policing (Evidence-Based, Preventative, Reactive, Problem Solving) is best exemplified by Private Investigators and provide rationale.

  • Describe the theory.
  • Explain why the theory is best exemplified by the career.
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Crime analysts collect, collate and interpret data and information Describe instances in which wide and limited discretion are afforded, and give the benefits and drawbacks of different amounts of discretion. career chosen- Crime analysts Describe an instance in which wide discretion is afforded to the career, and explain how that may impact the decision-making process. Describe an instance in which discretion may be limited to the career, and explain how that may impact the decision-making process.

    • Crime analysts collect, collate and interpret data and information

    Describe instances in which wide and limited discretion are afforded, and give the benefits and drawbacks of different amounts of discretion.

    • career chosen- Crime analysts
    • Describe an instance in which wide discretion is afforded to the career, and explain how that may impact the decision-making process.
    • Describe an instance in which discretion may be limited to the career, and explain how that may impact the decision-making process.

Describe instances in which wide and limited discretion are afforded, and give the benefits and drawbacks of different amounts of discretion.

  • career chosen- Crime analysts
  • Describe an instance in which wide discretion is afforded to the career, and explain how that may impact the decision-making process.
  • Describe an instance in which discretion may be limited to the career, and explain how that may impact the decision-making process.
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A student from an elite educational institution in California has been arrested, charged, and convicted of a sexual assault for engaging in a sexual act with an unconscious victim.

The Scenario: 

A student from an elite educational institution in California has been arrested, charged, and convicted of a sexual assault for engaging in a sexual act with an unconscious victim. The defendant was identified by two individuals who witnessed the defendant engaging in the sexual act. The results of the victim’s sexual assault examination at the hospital showed bruising around the neck and genital areas. Prior to sentencing, the defendant’s family made a point to the court that the defendant’s life should not be ruined by “moments of sexual activity.” While the prosecution recommended a sentence of six years in state prison for the crime, the pre-sentencing report from probation recommended a jail sentence of less than a year of confinement. The judge, an alumnus of the same elite institution, ordered a jail sentence of six months with a lifetime registration as a sex offender. The victim’s family is not satisfied with the judge’s ruling. As the public representative of the victim’s family, you are asked to compose a memo to be submitted to the Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee regarding the actions and discretionary decisions made by the judge. California Penal Code Section 261(a)(2-4) states the following: (a) Rape is an act of sexual intercourse accomplished with a person not the spouse of the perpetrator, under any of the following circumstances: (2) Where it is accomplished against a person’s will by means of force, violence, duress, menace, or fear of immediate and unlawful bodily injury on the person or another. (3) Where a person is prevented from resisting by any intoxicating or anesthetic substance, or any controlled substance, and this condition was known, or reasonably should have been known by the accused. (4) Where a person is at the time unconscious of the nature of the act, and this is known to the accused. As used in this paragraph, “unconscious of the nature of the act” means incapable of resisting because the victim meets any one of the following conditions: (A) Was unconscious or asleep. (B) Was not aware, knowing, perceiving, or cognizant that the act occurred. Unless otherwise noted, rape is punishable by imprisonment for 3, 6, or 8 years, as well as a fine not to exceed $70 (to be paid towards AIDS education).




California Legislative Information. (2013). Penal Code Section 261. Retrieved from https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=261.&lawCode=PEN Leagle. (2019). People v. Turner. Retrieved from https://www.leagle.com/decision/incaco20180808037


Use the template provided by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.


To: Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee

From: [Your Name]

Date: [Date]

Subject: Discretionary Actions of Judge


I am the public representative of Emily Doe and her family. I am writing to express concern regarding the discretionary decisions and actions made by the judge in the recent conviction of the defendant in Miss Doe’s case. I would like to express my concern regarding the following:


[Explain parts of the decision-making process in which discretion can be applied in accordance with law and policy. Answer the following questions in explanation:

  • What laws or policies may influence criminal justice professionals (in this scenario, the judge) to reach decisions in the stages of the criminal justice process (arrest, indictment, conviction)?
  • How does discretion impact the decisions made in accordance with law and policy?]

[Analyze discretionary decisions made by criminal justice professionals. Address the following analysis:

  • What decisions were made by the judge?
  • Who is affected by the decisions?
  • Do they have negative or positive impacts?]


[Identify specific steps in the discretionary decision-making process that may lead to negative and legal impacts. Address the following:

  • What are the specific steps in the discretionary decision-making process that may lead to negative impacts?
  • Could the judge have done anything differently in a specific step to have made a positive impact?]


[Describe the role discoverability plays in the decision-making documentation process:

  • What role did discoverability play in this process?
  • Which step in the decision-making process does discoverability fall under?]


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Someone is a patrol officer on duty with their partner. At approximately 1:45 a.m.,  they observe a fast-moving vehicle run through a red stoplight.


Someone is a patrol officer on duty with their partner. At approximately 1:45 a.m.,  they observe a fast-moving vehicle run through a red stoplight. they attempt to stop the vehicle, which refuses to pull over but does turn on its hazard signal. Using light detection and ranging (lidar) technology,  they determine the vehicle to be traveling in excess of the posted speed limit. After a brief two-mile traffic pursuit, the vehicle pulls into a hospital emergency room ambulance bay. The male driver exits the vehicle with his arms raised in the air and begins shouting at an officer and their partner. A female passenger then exits the vehicle, also with her arms raised. She yells that her water broke and that she is in active labor and needs to get into the hospital. What step does one take next? How does one address the situation?


Possible next steps:

  • Arrest the male driver for reckless driving, fleeing, and eluding, which means he will miss the birth of his child.
  • Issue a warning to the male driver and get medical personnel to address the female passenger.
  • Issue traffic citations to the male driver and get medical personnel to address the female passenger.
  • Escort the couple into the hospital and do nothing regarding traffic violations/pursuit.



written internal justification statement:

  1. Explain what it means to exercise discretion and the role it plays in the criminal justice field.
  2. Describe the roles integrity, authority, discretionary power, and morality play in discretionary decision making. Answer the following:
    • What is the relationship between integrity, authority, and discretionary power?
    • What is the difference between ethics and morals, and how does each affect discretionary decision making?
  3. Talk about the actions taken in response to the provided discretionary dilemma. Answer the following questions in summary:
    • What discretionary decision did a person make for the provided scenario?
    • Why did a person make the decision?
  4. Explain how integrity, authority, discretionary power, and morality affected the decision made. Answer the following questions in an explanation:
    • What role did integrity, authority, and discretionary power play in the decision that was made?
    • How did ethics and morals influence the decision that was made  in this scenario?
  5. Explain how decisions in law enforcement affect discretionary decisions made in courts and corrections. Answer the following questions in an explanation:
    • Did a person choose to summons or arrest the male driver, how might the court react once the circumstances are known?
    • What discretionary decisions may be made in court?
    • How could the decisions made in court potentially affect corrections?
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CJ 308 PROJECT TWO In this project, you will demonstrate mastery of the following competency:


In this project, you will demonstrate mastery of the following competency:

  • Analyze the methods of cybercrime prevention and prosecution.


Wellness Hospital Group hired your security consulting business to produce an after-action report on the recent ransomware attack. Attackers have requested Bitcoin as currency to pay the ransom. Your focus will be to analyze the gaps (such as improper reporting of a critical event) in their methods of prevention and to provide Wellness Hospital Group with clarity regarding legal actions associated with the cybercrimes committed.

Your presentation is based on the information gathered in the Ransomware Scenario Overview video provided in the Supporting Materials section.


Use the analysis you produced in the Module Six discussion along with the paper you produced in the Module Six assignment and present your findings. Specifically, produce a narrated PowerPoint presentation for the client, using the following outline:

  1. Executive Summary
    1. Define the purpose and scope of the debrief.
    2. Identify the causes for the attack.
  2. Gaps Assessment
    1. Analyze 3-5 gaps identified in the organization’s response to the cybercrime.
    2. Perform a risk assessment; explain the level of exposure.
  3. Legal Accountability
    1. Identify 2-3 legal considerations and internal accountability.
    2. Identify external legal considerations.
  4. Recommendations
    1. Recommend the appropriate action or actions for responding to and prosecuting cybercrimes.
    2. Provide justification for the actions recommended.
  5. Conclusion
    1. Explain the lessons learned.
    2. Identify the next steps.

What to Submit FOR this project, you must submit the following:

Cybercrime Investigation and Prosecution Presentation

  • You should submit an 8- to 10-slide



module 6 analysis and video source for project

A cybersecurity incident can impact the organization beyond IT by affecting the rest of the employees from doing their jobs, forcing the organization to make discissions hastily, mass resources are reallocated to deal with cybersecurity incident instead of their regular tasks. There were several gaps in cybersecurity and organizational preparedness in this case. There was a gap in that this was able to happen in the first place because there was a preexisting security risk. The fact that they waited to kill the entire system led to a much larger data loss. Lessons learned from this exercise are that cybersecurity attacks can happen quickly and acting the most efficiently with your time and staff is crucial in protecting your organization. It is very important vet employees that are interacting with systems for potential affiliation with cybercriminals and threats. I would say it surprised me how long the process took to make a call to protect the information and data leak.


SNHU Media. (2021, November 03). Ransomware Scenario Overview.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6yOKeJq4gM

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You are one of the leaders of the crisis management team at your place of employment.


You will select an incident and document the appropriate and necessary response procedures that would need to be implemented to respond to the incident in a timely and effective manner. You will consider all the various dependencies, such as how various assets could be affected, how to prevent the incident from escalating, and how to prevent new incidents from occurring due to the initial incident. You will also outline the internal and external stakeholders and partnerships involved, identify what their roles are, and specify what your role is as a security professional with respect to internal and external stakeholders and partnerships.


Please use in-text citations and references 


You are one of the leaders of the crisis management team at your place of employment. The CEO has tasked you and the other leaders with creating crisis management response procedures for various emergencies in order to train other employees should a crisis occur. First, choose one of the following incidents to focus on:

  • Chemical spill
  • Civil unrest
  • Earthquake
  • Evacuation procedures
  • Fire
  • Internal flooding
  • Power failure
  • Severe weather
  • Water leak, loss, or contamination

Then address the rubric criteria to develop crisis management response procedures specific to the incident chosen. Your deliverable will be a training presentation to your colleagues outlining the procedures.



  1. Explain the purpose of the presentation:
    1. What will the presentation focus on (incident at hand, overview of presentation)?
    2. Why is it important for security professionals to participate in continuing education and professional development?
  2. Define a collaborative response team:
    1. Identify core response team members.
    2. Explain the roles of core response team members.
    3. Describe how to engage the community in planning and response.
  3. Explain the situation:
    1. Identify threats and hazards.
    2. Assess risks.
  4. Identify goals and objectives:
    1. Determine operational priorities.
    2. Set goals and objectives.
  5. Develop the plan:
    1. Develop and analyze courses of action.
    2. Identify resources.
    3. Identify information and intelligence needs.
  6. Explain the process for preparing, reviewing, and assessing the plan.
  7. Explain the process for implementing and maintaining the plan:
    1. Explain training of the plan.
    2. Explain how the plan will be exercised.
    3. Explain how the plan will be reviewed, revised, and maintained.
    4. Please use in-text citations and references 
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Analyze the methods of cybercrime prevention and prosecution.

In this project, you will demonstrate mastery of the following competency:

  • Analyze the methods of cybercrime prevention and prosecution.


Wellness Hospital Group hired your security consulting business to produce an after-action report on the recent ransomware attack. Attackers have requested Bitcoin as currency to pay the ransom. Your focus will be to analyze the gaps (such as improper reporting of a critical event) in their methods of prevention and to provide Wellness Hospital Group with clarity regarding legal actions associated with the cybercrimes committed.

Your presentation is based on the information gathered in the Ransomware Scenario Overview video provided in the Supporting Materials section.


Use the analysis you produced in the Module Six discussion along with the paper you produced in the Module Six assignment and present your findings. Specifically, produce a narrated PowerPoint presentation for the client, using the following outline:

  1. Executive Summary
    1. Define the purpose and scope of the debrief.
    2. Identify the causes for the attack.
  2. Gaps Assessment
    1. Analyze 3-5 gaps identified in the organization’s response to the cybercrime.
    2. Perform a risk assessment; explain the level of exposure.
  3. Legal Accountability
    1. Identify 2-3 legal considerations and internal accountability.
    2. Identify external legal considerations.
  4. Recommendations
    1. Recommend the appropriate action or actions for responding to and prosecuting cybercrimes.
    2. Provide justification for the actions recommended.
  5. Conclusion
    1. Explain the lessons learned.
    2. Identify the next steps.

What to Submit


  • submit a narration script, which should be a 3-5 PG. Word document with double spacing,



Dear student, below is a concise summary of the Cybercrime Investigation and Prosecution Presentation for Wellness Hospital Group:

Cybercrime Investigation and Prosecution Presentation

Slide 1: Title Slide
– Title: Cybercrime Investigation and Prosecution
– Subtitle: Wellness Hospital Group
– Name:
– Date:

Slide 2: Executive Summary
– Purpose and Scope: Analyze the recent ransomware attack on Wellness Hospital Group, identify gaps in cybersecurity measures, and clarify legal actions.
– Summary: The hospital experienced a ransomware attack due to outdated software, delayed response, and employee vulnerabilities. This presentation provides insights into gaps in prevention, legal accountability, recommendations for action, and lessons learned.

Slide 3: Causes for the Attack
– Key Causes: Outdated software, delayed detection and response, and employee vulnerabilities through phishing attacks.

Slide 4: Gaps Assessment
– Identified Gaps:
1. Outdated Software
2. Lack of Regular Backups
3. Inadequate Employee Training
– Risk Assessment: High risk of data breaches, financial loss, and reputational damage.

Slide 5: Legal Accountability
– Internal Accountability: Failure to report and respond promptly, non-compliance with security policies.
– External Legal Considerations: Legal obligations under data protection laws, regulatory compliance risks.

Slide 6: Recommendations
– Action Plan: Implement comprehensive backup strategies, upgrade IT infrastructure, enhance employee training.
– Justification: Prevent future attacks, ensure regulatory compliance, and improve overall cybersecurity.

Slide 7: Conclusion
– Lessons Learned: Importance of timely response and robust cybersecurity measures.
– Next Steps: Develop implementation plans and monitor cybersecurity measures.


SNHU Media. (2021, November 03). Ransomware Scenario Overview.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6yOKeJq4gM

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Explain rationale for the following ethical issues below:  Abuse of power

Explain rationale for the following ethical issues below:
Abuse of power
Denial of due process
Neglect of duties
Favoritism and bias
Wrongful pursuit of personal gain
Flawed personal life
I feel that abuse of power is the greatest ethical issue

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what is/are the preventive strategy(ies) of a pressure ulcer for this client? . what are the positive and negative outcomes of these strategies? . which strategies would you choose?why?

what is/are the preventive strategy(ies) of a pressure ulcer for this client? . what are the positive and negative outcomes of these strategies? . which strategies would you choose?why?

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