Why must a threshold be set for each indicator monitored?

Why must a threshold be set for each indicator monitored?


A To ensure that a sufficient amount of information will be collected


B To set an appropriate deadline for completion of the PIP


C To provide the committee with documentation of project activities


D To provide information about the acceptable level of occurrence of the indicator to compare against the facility’s performance


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Once the desired goal of a PIP is achieved, what should the QAA committee do?

Once the desired goal of a PIP is achieved, what should the QAA committee do?


A Implement a process of ongoing monitoring to ensure that the improvement continues


B Since the PDSA cycle is complete, select the next issue for improvement


C Assign the PIP team to continue working on the project


D Run through the PDSA cycle multiple times to ensure that the course of action is correct

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Which of the following describes criteria for the goals of a PIP?

Which of the following describes criteria for the goals of a PIP?


a They should be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely) goals.


b They should be set at 100% so that staff will be motivated to strive for improvement.


c They should reflect the conditions that would exist in an ideal work setting.


d They should be set at 5% over the current level of compliance.

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Which of the following describes the fishbone diagram?

Which of the following describes the fishbone diagram?


a It graphically shows the breakdown of the components of the collected data.


b It is a visual representation of the relative contribution of each factor to a problem.


c It shows cause and effect related to a particular problem.


d It can be helpful in documenting a resident’s daily meal intake.


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The DNS has all except which of the following responsibilities for QAPI?

The DNS has all except which of the following responsibilities for QAPI?


a Monitoring and evaluating quality outcomes of care and quality of life


b Harnessing the knowledge of staff with various perspectives and leading with a team approach for QAPI


c Serving as the primary lead for all PIPs


d Serving as a member of the QAA committee and overseeing clinical PIPs

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After investigating the problems below, the QAA committee determines that a PIP is needed to change processes(s) leading to the undesired outcomes.

After investigating the problems below, the QAA committee determines that a PIP is needed to change processes(s) leading to the undesired outcomes. Which process would the QAA committee select?


a A resident acquired a pressure ulcer, which was found on night shift. A gap in process did NOT lead to the resident acquiring this pressure ulcer.


b Four residents sitting at the same table have complained about the dinner meal being served cold once during the month. A new cook did not know to hold this table’s dinner when the residents went on a monthly outing and returned after dinner.


c Four new residents had falls with fractures on the night shift within one week. The admission fall risk assessment information and history of daily routines are not being incorporated into the care plan or shared with certified nursing assistants.


d Ten residents have complained about not having enough clean towels in the morning on a daily basis. The order of towels was found to be on back order.


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The consumer alert icon on the Nursing Home Compare website, also included in the Five-Star rating system

The consumer alert icon on the Nursing Home Compare website, also included in the Five-Star rating system, is added to facilities when which of the following deficiencies are cited?


a All substandard quality of care citations


b Abuse and neglect cited at F600, F602, and F603 for actual or potential harm


c Abuse citations received due to actual physical harm but not potential for harm


d Only abuse citations received during the annual survey

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As an advanced professional nurse leader, I would implement the four steps from the “IHI Framework for Improving Joy in the Work” in the workplace

As an advanced professional nurse leader, I would implement the four steps from the “IHI Framework for Improving Joy in the Work” in the workplace

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Discuss a healthcare safety concern using the BAR (situation, background, assessment, recommendation) format by doing the following:

A. Discuss a healthcare safety concern using the BAR (situation, background, assessment,
recommendation) format by doing the following:
1. Describe a healthcare-related situation prompting a patient safety concern (S).
2. Analyze background information about the concern by doing the following (B):
a. Describe the data that support or would support the need for change.
b. Explain how one or more national patient safety standards apply to this situation.
3. Discuss the impact of the safety concern on the patient(s), staff, and organization (A).
a. Explain how the safety concern affects value for the patient(s) and the organization.
4. Recommend an evidence-based practice change that addresses the safety concern (R).
a. Discuss how this recommendation aligns with the principles of a high reliability
b. Describe two potential barriers to the recommended practice change.
c. Identify two potential interventions to minimize the barriers from part A4b to the
recommended practice change.
d. Discuss the significance of shared decision-making in implementing this
Describe an outcome measure that could be used to evaluate the results of the
f. Discuss how the care delivery model in this organization would be impacted by this
B. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content

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Briefly describe an instance where you were required to lead and motivate a team of professionals to collaborate.

Question from assessment:

Western Medical Application Questionnaire [DOCX].Section I: Leadership and Collaboration Experience

Briefly describe an instance where you were required to lead and motivate a team of professionals to collaborate. It does not need to be in a health care setting. If you have not lead a team of professionals before,use a different example


Example 1


“Around 5 years ago, I was a Registered Nurse Supervisor in a rehabilitation facility.

During this time, I was in charge of 220 patients along with 25 staff members on the evening

shift. The Director of Nursing approached me that we needed a plan of care for patients that were

having increased falls during the evening and night shift. The main objective of this project was

to create a fall risk protocol for patients that are at high risk for falls within the facility. As the

leader of this project, I was responsible for setting forth goals for staff to meet to prevent falls.”


Did they make it up: how do I make up a scenario?


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