Discuss a healthcare safety concern using the SBAR (situation, background, assessment, recommendation) format by doing the following

A. Discuss a healthcare safety concern using the SBAR (situation, background, assessment, recommendation) format by doing the following: 1. Describe a healthcare-related situation prompting a patient safety concern (S). 2. Analyze background information about the concern by doing the following (B): a. Describe the data that support or would support the need for change. b. Explain how one or more national patient safety standards apply to this situation. 3. Discuss the impact of the safety concern on the patient(s), staff, and organization (A). a. Explain how the safety concern affects value for the patient(s) and the organization. 4. Recommend an evidence-based practice change that addresses the safety concern (R). a. Discuss how this recommendation aligns with the principles of a high reliability organization. b. Describe two potential barriers to the recommended practice change. c. Identify two potential interventions to minimize the barriers from part A4b to the recommended practice change. d. Discuss the significance of shared decision-making in implementing this recommendation. e. Describe an outcome measure that could be used to evaluate the results of the recommendation. f. Discuss how the care delivery model in this organization would be impacted by this change. This is the assignment. I am having trouble with 4.f This is my recommendation: Recommendation(s) Patients rely on healthcare organizations for the best strategies and care standards to achieve patient safety and effective healthcare. Using evidence-based practice like data informatics to provide efficient and effective health information in surgical services will help to indulge a healthcare organization in using data informatics to improve communication that safeguards patient benefits and make them safer (Geller, 2017). Nursing informatics align with an organization’s management principles in various ways. For instance, it focuses on quality improvement and excellent patient outcomes. The application and use of patients’ medical histories that are detailed and highlight the key issues and areas of concern to drive conclusions. When used, they help ensure a better understanding of patients’ medical history, thus protecting patients from administering drugs they may be allergic to in surgery. Evaluating and implementing data informatics to improve patient safety in surgery aligns with the principle of a high-reliability organization that promotes strength in prioritizing safety over other performance pressures seen in surgery. I need to say what impact data informatics would have on a functional nursing care delivery model?

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