nutrition week 3 discussion 1

  1. Explain supplement regulations. Choose a supplement (from your own home or online) and imagine you are educating your patient who states that she takes the supplement. What should she understand about the items on the label, the packaging, supplement regulations or lack thereof, and interactions or side effects? Attach a picture of the supplement label and packaging you are discussing. Cite at least one scholarly source other than your text using APA. Do not choose a supplement that has already been explained.
  1. Locate an article that explores issues related to culture and religion in healthcare settings. Provide a summary of the article along with a link to the article. What concerns are raised? How are conflicts resolved or not resolved? How does the information you learned in the article shape your views on culture and religion in health care? Choose an article that comes from a credible source. The source does not necessarily need to be scholarly for this discussion; you may use news stories.

– answer both questions

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