watch the video and follow the instructions 1

Written Project Instructions:

1) Click on the “Project A” link above. Watch the lecture video.

2) Research a government supplemental food program

3) Calculate your hypothetical eligibility for that program. (You do NOT have to actually apply for any program.) Calculate the food “allotment” you would receive from that program for your current household for one week.

4) Create a grocery budget in which you try to live on just that food allotment for one week.

5) Go to a grocery store and see what foods you can/ can’t buy on that budget.

6) Write 1-2 pages on your findings, the program you chose. What foods were allowed? What did you learn? What did you have to give up for the week to stay in budget? How has this changed your view of supplemental nutrition programs?

Well written, Concise; free of grammar and punctuation errors. Student’s thoughts and ideas flow well and logically. Within 1-2 pages.


Clearly defines supplemental food program of interest. Well-researched. Gives specific examples of nutrition program’s qualifications and week/ monthly allotment. Give examples of foods allowed by that program.


Clear mention of how student had to accommodate to meet the food allotment budget, foods that had to be substituted to stay within the allotment. Mention of challenges following the supplemental food budget. Clear mention of what student learned from this assignment. Mention awareness of food programs.

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